Thursday, 31 January 2013

A Word Of Caution!!!

Hi Guys,

Today I want to give you a word of caution that will stop you pulling your hair out with frustration.

A lot of people these days do not have the knowledge about how to fix their computer if something goes wrong.

If something does go wrong they either have to see if they have a friend who can fix it for them or worse, they have to send it off to a shop to be fixed.

They can charge you a fortune to repair even a small problem.

You can possibly save yourself the cost and loss of losing your computer being away from your home by doing a simple task.

It is something that every computer has.

It is called System Restore and System Back Up

It is worth setting a restore point at least once a week and before you make any changes or add a new program to your computer. 

How Do You You Set Up A System Restore Point? 

 The first thing you need to do is type in system properties into the search bar .

You can access this by clicking on the start button in the bottom left hand corner of your computer. 

When you click on this a menu will appear with  a list of programs and a search box.

In this search box just enter system properties.

This will open a new screen.

Click on the system protection tab in the menu at the top of this new box.

You will then see a tab that says create.

 Click on this and a new box will open up saying create a system restore point.

 In the box type in a name for the retore point.

I usually just put in the time and date here so you can see when it was made in case you need to use this restore point.

When you have typed in a name the create button will become active.

Then just click on the create button and it will create a back up of all your files up to this point.

If you add a new program and it causes problems with your computer just follow the above step until you get to the create button.

On this screen you will see a system restore button.

Click on this button.

In the next window it will give you a list of restore points that have been created.

Click on the one just before the time that your computer caused a problem

Then click on restore.

You computer will be restored to this point. 

Any work you have done after creating a restore point will be lost but at least you have got your computer running again.

As stated previously it is worth creating a restore point at least once a week so that you will not lose to much information if you do have a problem.

I hope this will help you.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart.


What You Do Before Buying A Product.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to look at What You Do Before Buying A Product.

The first  that most people do before buying something on line is research.

There are so many people out there trying to sell you things.

Some of them are great and some are not so great.

By doing some research first you can pick out the best products for the best value.

Where do you go to do your research? 

A lot of people tend to use Google

When they do a search on Google it throws up lots of similar products.

They tend to have a look through these products and come up with the best offer.

Some people look for reviews of that product.

There are web sites devoted entirely to reviewing products.

Just type in "Product reviews" into Google and it will list loas of sites that review product.

By reading through these reviews you can find out what other people think of those products.

If the product has great reviews then the person is more likely to buy it.

Sites such as Amazon also has a page which gives people reviews on products. 

It is down to YOU to put in as much research as you can to make sure you are getting the best product. 

Failure to do the research can leave you with a useless product.

Research will stop you from buying bad or faulty products.

It is up to you whether you buy something or not.
Do not just get caught up by the hype around that product.

Until next time,

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart 

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Getting The Traffic To Your Web Site.

Hi Guys,

Now that you have got your four page web site set up, lets look at getting traffic to your web site.

How Do You Get Traffic To Your Web Site?

There are 4 key ways to get traffic. 

 The number 1 of getting traffic to your web site is by using your list.

Those are the people who have already signed up to previous offers and you have got their e-mail addresses.

These people were interested in your previous offers and they might be interested in your new one.

You can now see how important it is to build your list.

Another good way is to use the followers you have built up with Facebook.

 To be more specific I am talking about your Facebook Business Profile.

To this you need to consistently engage and interact with your followers.

 The third method is through Joint Ventures or J.V.'s.

 The last way is P.P.C. or Pay Per Click.

 A good way to do this is by posting adverts on Facebook.

 What you need to do is create as many streams of traffic as you can.

Next time we will be looking at what you do before buying a product.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

This page is based on am idea by Kerwin Rae.


Monday, 28 January 2013

Creating a 4 Page Web Site.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to look at creating your own 4 page web site.
There are packages out there can you can use to build a web site for under $100.
The four pages you need to create are :-
1) An opt in or squeeze page. 
This is the page where you make your compelling offer and captures the persons details.
You need to explain what your offer is gong to give them and how it can help them with their problem, whether is it is saving them money, giving them more free time or giving them a product.
Your opt in page should have somewhere where the person can give you their information.
The page should also have some form of banner at the top of the page and some supporting information about the benefits of the offer.
 Once they have opted in to your offer they are taken to your second page.

This is the sales page.

The sales page should give more details about your offer.

It should list all the benefits of your offer and why they cannot do with out it.

Here is where your power of persuasion are required to make sure the person does not leave the page with out buying your offer.
It should contain all the elements of A.I.C.D.A.
The average conversion rate of a sales page is around 2% .

That means that for every 100 new visitors that see you offer 2 of them will sign up.

By getting their details from the opt in or squeeze page you will have the chance to make them another offer.

This is where the real money is made.

After they have bought your sales item you now take them to your third page.

This is what is called the up sell page.

You do not put in as much work on this page because you have already given them the credibility of why they should buy from you.

All you have to do is give them a little nudge.

Finally the last page you need is the thank you page.

It just says thank you for purchasing your product and contains the link to enable them to down load the product.

Tomorrow I will be talking a bit about generating traffic to your web page.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart
 This page is based on an idea by Kerwin Rae

A I C D A. What The Heck Is That?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk about AICDA.
 What does A.I.C.D.A. stand for?
A stands for attention.
Phrases that get people's attention the most are one's about a problem, or a statement of benefit.

These are the keywords  that will turn people who want these to what you have.

I stands for interest.
What is that you can say that will generate some interest in your offer?

Do you have an area of expertise or a case study?

Give them something that will get them interested.

C stands for credibility.

You will have to give reasons why the person should listen to what you have to say.

For example results that you have achiever that you can show the customers.

Do you have any qualifications or experience on this subject?

D stands for desire.
This is where you have to stir up the person's emotions to want to buy your product.
You have to make  a statement that will make the customer want your product straight away.

You will have to make sure that cannot afford to miss out on your offer.
Say something about the benefits of your product or how it will help them save money.

Finally A stands for action.
 You have to give the customer a reason why they should take action now.

You could say something about limited stocks or that the offer will only be available for a short while.

These five items of A.I.C.D.A. should be placed in the framework of your offer.

Get the answers to these statements and your offer will be ready to go.

Tomorrow I will look at he final stage of getting your offer on line.

Creating A Web Site.
See you next time,
Have a profitable day.
Stephen Hart.
The inspiration for this web page came from an idea from Kerwin Rae.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

How To Create A Compelling Offer.

Hi Guys,

Today we are going to look at How To Create A Compelling Offer.

Offer creation is all about copy writing.

It is all about using specific words to communicate your offer.

There are 5 questions to unpack your offer. 

Lets have a look at those now.

  1. What Are The Problems Your Package Solves?
  2. What Are The Biggest Costs Of Someone Having These Problems?
  3. What Are The Biggest Emotional Benefits Of Your Package?
  4. What Are The Reasons I Should Listen To You?  Why Are You An Expert?
  5. What Are The 3 Reasons I Should Act Now?

Think about all the problems.  

Things like financial, health, family.  

Come up with as many reasons as possible.

Give the people an answer to the question "What's In It For Me."

Think about things you can say to them that proves you are an expert in that theme.

Finally give them a compelling reason why they should act NOW.

You could put in things such as time. 

A Bonus if they act NOW. 

You must give them the urgency to act NOW.

I will leave it there for today.

In the next blog I will be looking at putting this into a framework so we can deliver that offer successfully.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

This article is based on an idea by Kerwin Rae

Leave any comments in the box below.

Friday, 25 January 2013

How To Create A High Value Package.

Hi Guys,

Today we are going to look at Creating  A High Value Package For Your Products.


How do you create a high value package for your products?

What you need to do is package some of the items that you have created and sell them bundled together for a reduced price.

Let me explain this for you.
I will be using Internet Marketing as my expert theme for this example.

Assume that each of your products is worth $49.
You could put out a squeeze page saying something like 
Get the  7 steps to Internet Marketing valued at $49
The rules of Internet Marketing valued at $49
The 6 traits of an Internet Marketer valued $49 

and as a Special Bonus
The 5 things you need to know about Internet Marketing valued at $49
What you must watch out for as an Internet Marketer valued at $49
Total value of all these item is $245

You can get all these items for the reduced price of $29 if you act now.

If someone is interested in Internet Marketing then this would be a great package that chances are they would be interested in buying.

Remember, you can apply this technique for any niche you are interested in.

Just make sure that all the articles are relevant to your niche.

These people have got their credit cars ready to buy your great bundle of products.

They are obviously interested in what you are selling.

What do you think their reaction would be if another page came up and said something like:

" Wait, before you go.   I have a special a special opportunity that is only available right now. 

It is called the Internet Marketing Domination Upgrade.

In this upgrade you will get:

The 3 Worst Mistakes An Internet Marketer Can Make worth $99

The 8 Principles Of Internet Marketing worth $99

The 3 Keys To Successful Internet Marketing worth $99

The 7 Reason You Can Use Internet Marketing To Build Your Business worth £99

The 8 Questions To Think About Before Doing Internet Marketing worth $99

The Total Value Of This Package Is $495 But You Can Get It Today For Just $127 If You Act NOW. "

On average about 1 in 5 people will purchase the 1 click up-sell.

 Remember, these are products that you have already produced.

You have created 3 bundles all with increasing value.

 Now you are using Up-Sell Psychology.

When they have bought your first item then they are in the buying frame which means they are 5 times more likely to buy what you are offering as long as it is relevant to the previous products.

It is like when someone goes to a burger bar and the cashier asks "Would you like fries with that?"

Chances are they will buy into the up-sell.

So lets look at where we are right now.

We have our Expert Theme.

We have our Products. 

 We have created our Package.

 We have split them up into 3 Separate Packages.

In the next blog I will be discussing How To Create A Compelling Offer.

Keep you eyes open for that one.

I hope you have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart.

The idea for this article is based on an idea from Kerwin Rae.

Get Paid Cash For Taking Part In Surveys.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

How To Create A Sales Funnel.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to discuss setting up a sales funnel.
What is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is basically a series of products each relating to each other.
To create a sales funnel you must have products to sell.

Let us have a look at this.

Instead of giving you the products to sell, I am going to give you the formula for creating your own products.

You can then use this formula time and time again.

The key thing here is to use your own expert theme.

Let us look at some titles you can use to create your products.

 This will be your template for creating new products.

The template looks like:-

  1. The 7 steps to ...
  2. The 9 Rules for ...
  3. The 8 traits of ...
  4. The 7 habits of ...
  5. The 8 principles of successful ...
  6. The 3 keys to successfully ...
  7. The 7 reasons why you can easily ...
  8.  The 3 mistake people make when ...
  9. The 5 things you need to know when ...
  10. The 8 things to before you think about ...
 What you now need to do is apply your expert theme to the template.
Let us assume your expert theme is Internet Marketing.

 Statement 1. might then become

The 7 steps to Internet Marketing.

 Statement 2. might become

The 9 rules for Internet Marketing

Go through the list an apply your expert theme.

You might have to adjust the wording so that it make sense.

You might need to adjust the number for example instead of The seven steps, you might want to change it to the five steps.

It all depends on how much information you can think of to use.

 You are most probably thing now "Well what do I put in it for content?"

Great question.

 If you are an expert in your theme then this will not be difficult.

If you do not have all the answers then you can use Google to find them.

Just type in the statement to Google and see what comes up.

I think creating all the answers to all these statements will keep you busy until next time.

Do not just sit there and do nothing.

If you want to be a success you WILL HAVE TO PUT IN THE WORK.

Next time we will look at how to create a high value package from these articles.

Have a profitable day,

Stephen Hart

Thanks to Kerwin Rae for his inspiration to produce this course.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

What Is Your Expert Theme?

Hi Guys,

Today you are going to start on the course about

How To Become An Expert Marketer
Let us look at creating your Expert Theme.
There are two kinds of people.
Those who already have an exert theme and those who do not. 
 If you already have a Expert Theme then that is great.
 To find out what your Expert Theme is you need to answer some questions.
 Here are the questions you need to answer:-
  1. What Do You Want To Get Paid To Do?
  2. What Do You Love To Teach Or Learn?
  3. What Do You Enjoy Reading Or Talking About?
  4. What Experience Do You Have That You Could Share With Others?
  5. What Do You Like To Do In Your Free Time?
  6. What Are You Already Great At?
  7. What Advice Do People Come To You For?
  8. What Do You Already Know That People Would Be Willing To Pay For?
What you need to do now is sit down with a cup of coffee and a pen and note pad and answer these questions.
Take your time answering these questions. 
Your future business could depend on it.
Having answered these questions look back over them and decide
 "What Is Your Number 1 Theme."

 This will be the foundation for what you want to be known for.
 This will be your future niche for making money online.
 Tomorrow we will be looking st that theme and creating a range of products that you can market to customers.
I hope you will join me for that.
Have a profitable day,
Stephen Hart 
Thanks to Kerwin Rae for his inspiration for this course.

How To Become An Expert Marketer.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to start a new course on How To Become An Expert Marketer.


In this course you will learn:-
  1. How to productise your knowledge?
  2. How do I position myself as an expert in that field? 
  3. The psychology of preformance. 
  4. How do you raise money?
Would that interest you?

If it does then this course is for you. 
Ok then, I will start by giving you a brief introduction into how to productise your knowledge.

How To Productise Your Knowledge And Become A Recognised, Highly Paid Consultant In Your Field.

You will be able to duplicate this model and use it for any subject that interests you and you have some knowledge of.

There are six steps to make money in the field that you want to follow.

Let's look at the six steps I am going to be covering.

  1. What Is Your Expert Theme?
  2. Create A Cascading Product.
  3. Create A High Value Package.
  4. Developing Your Compelling Offer. 
  5. Create A  4 Page Web Site.
  6. How To Get Traffic To Your Web Site And Make Sales.
If these things are something you would like to learn, then keep a look out for the next blog.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart