Monday, 7 January 2013

How To Keep Building Your List Of Subscibers.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk about how to make sure you get people constantly subscribing to you list.

Do not think that once you have set up your squeeze page people will keep signing up to it.

Remember, the size of you list is directly proportional to the amount of income you can expect to receive from it.

The first thing you need to concentrate on is try to improve your conversion rate.

Here are a few options, tips, and things to consider when taking a look at your website and optimizing it for the best conversions. 

1)  Make sure that your visitors give out their information before the can access your web page

2) Make it optional for people to subscribe but make sure that your subscription box is very obvious.

3) Put your subscription box near the top of your web page.

4) Make sure that people can join from other sites such as Facebook or Twitter.

5) Make sure that you give the person a reason to sign up such as a high value FREE gift if they sign up.

6)  Make sure that your offer is seen by as many people as possible.

7)  You could hold a competition for the people who sign up with another FREE gift as a prize.

8) Put a forward to a friend option on your web page to get others to sign up.

9) Add an exit pop up to your site to give them a final chance to sign up.  In return offer them a different FREE gift.

10)  Make sure that your web site has great content.

Follow these rules and you will increase the number of sign ups you get.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

 Optimize your pages with This astounding product.

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