Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Targeting Your Niche.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk about targeting your niche.

Why targeting you niche so important?

Let's get down to a few basic things.

You have spent time and effort building your niche.

You have got a list of people interested in a particular niche that you are involved in.

They are all waiting to see what you have got to offer.

Say your niche was about rock music.

If you were to offer them something like tickets to a rock concert then they might buy from you.

If you offered them tickets to an opera, chances are they would not be interested.

So can you see that you need to make offers that are relevant to your niche

They joined your list expecting content on a particular subject.

Therefore do not try and offer them something they are not interested in.

Do not try and sell them something with every e-mail.

If you do that then people will start leaving your list.

You have to look after to your list and give them something for nothing.

That way you will keep the attention of your list.

I hope you have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

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