Thursday, 3 January 2013

Why Do You Need A Niche?

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to talk a little bit more about why you need a niche.

Having a niche means that you can target you sales towards people who are interested in what you are selling.

It is like trying to hit your target market with an arrow.

The closer you get to your target the more chance you have of hitting it.

So the question is:

"How Do You Get Close To Your Target?"
 This is done by optimizing your advert.

What this means is doing things like keyword research and using popular keywords with low competition.

Using this method will boost your page rank in the search engines.

This known as page rank.

How many times have you gone to page 12 on Google to view a we page?

Chances are you answer is never or not very often.

You are more likely to view adverts on the first page you come to.

This is the key to internet marketing.

Now it does take a little bit longer to do the keyword research and improve your page rank,

But this little trick will help increase the number of sales that you make online.

I know I have repeated this in previous blogs but it is so important to increasing your sales.

I hope you found this helpful.

Have a profitable day,

Stephen Hart
If you have any questions or comments then just leave them in the box at the bottom of this blog.

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