Monday, 28 January 2013

A I C D A. What The Heck Is That?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk about AICDA.
 What does A.I.C.D.A. stand for?
A stands for attention.
Phrases that get people's attention the most are one's about a problem, or a statement of benefit.

These are the keywords  that will turn people who want these to what you have.

I stands for interest.
What is that you can say that will generate some interest in your offer?

Do you have an area of expertise or a case study?

Give them something that will get them interested.

C stands for credibility.

You will have to give reasons why the person should listen to what you have to say.

For example results that you have achiever that you can show the customers.

Do you have any qualifications or experience on this subject?

D stands for desire.
This is where you have to stir up the person's emotions to want to buy your product.
You have to make  a statement that will make the customer want your product straight away.

You will have to make sure that cannot afford to miss out on your offer.
Say something about the benefits of your product or how it will help them save money.

Finally A stands for action.
 You have to give the customer a reason why they should take action now.

You could say something about limited stocks or that the offer will only be available for a short while.

These five items of A.I.C.D.A. should be placed in the framework of your offer.

Get the answers to these statements and your offer will be ready to go.

Tomorrow I will look at he final stage of getting your offer on line.

Creating A Web Site.
See you next time,
Have a profitable day.
Stephen Hart.
The inspiration for this web page came from an idea from Kerwin Rae.

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