Today I want to talk about the dangers of salt and sugar.
To save you a lot of boredom I am not going to be giving you a chemistry lesson on how salt and sugar can be harmful, that would just bore you.
I want to make this article as easy to read as possible.
Lets begin by looking at sugar.
Sugar weakens the immune system making it more vulnerable to disease and illnesses.
That is one of the reasons children get so many illnesses along with the fact gthat they have not built up natural immunity yet.
It also increases bad cholesterol and reduces the good cholesterol.
Sugar increases the number of cancerous cells in the body.
Sugar can affect your vision.
Once you have lost your vision you can never get it back.
Sugar can cause premature aging which no one wants.
It can cause gallstones, appendicitis, hemorrhoids and even varicose veins.
Finally as everyone knows it can cause obesity.
Those are some of the reasons you should avoid sugar.
Now lets look at salt.
Salt can lead to water retention, bloat and swelling of the feet and/or legs.
Salt can lead to the loss of potassium in the bones and kidneys.
It makes your bones weaker which can lead to fractures or broken bones.
Salt can lead to high blood pressure.
This can in turn to lead to dizziness and feinting.
Salt is very common in most foods we eat today.
You get more than your daily recommended intake with out adding any salt to your food.
Tomorrow I will be looking at why manufacturers add salt to food even though it is bad for your health.
Make sure you have your handy dandy notepad on hand tomorrow, there will be a few things to note down.
Speak to you again tomorrow,
Stephen Hart
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