Are you thinking about losing weight?
You have to be in the right mind set to lose weight.
Yesterday I mentioned that you would need a note book to write things down.
When you write things down you tend to remember it better.
You can also have a quick review of what you have written down to refresh your memory.
Every time you eat anything have a look at the label and see what it contains.
See how much salt and sugar it contains.
If the label shows a warning about high content of these, write it down in red ink.
These should be avoided at all costs.
If you have a notice board in the kitchen, write the product name in red ink on the board.
Anything written in red ink should be avoided.
As the days go on you will build a list of products to avoid and you will get better at remembering them.
If you come back from shopping and find that you have bought a product that should be avoided, write it down again in bigger letters.
This way you will program your mind to avoid these foods.
As the weeks go on you will remember the foods to avoid and will not need to write them down.
You are slowly training your mind to avoid these foods.
Soon you will get a feel for what foods are safe to eat and those that contain a lot of sugar and salt.
It is the sugar and salt in foods that make you put on weight.
That is why I have started to get you to avoid these foods.
Tomorrow we will be looking at why sugars and salts are so bad for you and why they make you put on weight.
Avoiding these is a great way ton start losing weight.
Speak to you tomorrow,
Stephen Hart
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