Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Reducing The Bad Fats

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to look at how to reduce the bad fats.


 Everyone has heard how bad trans fats are for you.

The primary source of trans fats in the Western diet comes from commercially-prepared baked goods and snack foods.

How do you find out if the food contains trans fats?

You have to do a bit of research and detective work.

The marketers do not want you to know if there are trans fats in their food. 

It would reduce the number those items.

Here are some tips for you.

When shopping, read the labels and watch out for “partially hydrogenated oil” in the ingredients. 

Even if the food claims to be trans fat free, this ingredient makes it suspect.
With margarine, choose the soft-tub versions, and make sure the product has zero grams of trans fat and no partially hydrogenated oils.

When eating out, put fried foods, biscuits, and other baked goods on your “skip” list. 

Write these down in red in your notepad. 

Remember to take your notepad with you everywhere.

Avoid these products unless you know that the restaurant has eliminated trans fat.

Avoid fast food

Most places have no labeling regulations for fast food, and it can even be advertised as cholesterol-free when cooked in vegetable oil.

Watch out for this crafty way of disguising it.

When eating out, ask your server or counter person what type of oil your food will be cooked in. 

If they do not know then ask to speak to someone who does know or go somewhere else.

If it’s partially hydrogenated oil, run the other way or ask if your food can be prepared using olive oil, which most restaurants have in stock.

If you are in any doubt at all then just walk away.

They will try and persuade you that it does not contain trans fat but that is only because they want you to buy from them.

I bet if you asked for a signed written statement on the companies stationary stating this, most would not do it because they know they could be sued if it turned out not to be true.

 Tomorrow I will be talking about monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, the good fats that your body needs.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Stephen Hart




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