Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Workout Without Working Out!!!

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to say a little bit about working out and exercise.

When most of you think about exercise, you most probably think about going to the gym or doing a home exercise routine.

There however many other types of exercise that you do not necessarily know you are doing.

It does not necessarily mean  putting on your fitness clothes and working up a sweat.

Exercise is anything that makes your heart beat faster and raises your breathing.

An example of this might be carrying the shopping.

This involves making your muscles work harder by lifting heavier weights, your shopping.

You will also find that you breathe a bit more heavily.

Another example might be using the stairs.

As you go up the stairs, you are using your legs to lift your body weight up the stairs.

Another example might be carrying a child.

Here again you are using you legs to move, you arms and shoulders to support the child and you back to keep your balance.

Even in the bedroom you can workout.

Sex is a great workout.

Do not just lie there get involved.

You will find it increases your breathing, raises your temperature and involves muscles you did not realize you were using.

It can be a very intense and enjoyable activity.

Make the most of it.

Anything you do during your day can be beneficial to you health.

Do not just think that exercise is all about going to the gym.

Speak to you again tomorrow,

Stephen Hart

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