Thursday, 28 February 2013

How Often Should You Exercise?

Today I want to say a little bit about how often you should exercise.

 Some people will tell you that you need to exercise every day.

Other people will tell you to exercise every other day.

Others will tell you to work out two days in a row and then have a day off. 

The simple answer is that there are no set rules

It depends on many factors.

It depends on how fit you are

It depends on how over weight you are. 

It depends on what sort of exercises you are doing

You can see why so many people get confused

Generally it is about how you feel.

If you do not feel like doing exercises on a certain day you have to ask yourself:

" Am I just being lazy or have I not recovered enough from the last time?"

If you are still aching from the last time then I would have a day off.

If you feel fine but just do not to work out, then chances are you are just being lazy.

It take effort and determination to work out

It is not easy.

That is why so many people do not exercise.

You just have to ask yourself if you want to be over weight and out of shape or slim and fit.

It is up to you.

Stay healthy.

I will speak to you again soon.

Stephen Hart 

What To Eat Just Before And After Training.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk a bit about what you should be drinking and eating to help you get the most from your exercises.

Exercising means more than just doing exercises.

You have to make sure that you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs.

Without the proper nutrition your body will not make any progress.

So what should you be consuming? 

Before you start your exercising your body must have the carbohydrates so that you ave plenty of energy for exercises.

This means eating plenty of things like fruit.

Make sure that you steer clear of things like sweets. 

They will drain you of energy.

The amount of sugar in them may give you a quick burst of energy but this will diminish very quickly and you will not have the energy to carry on with your exercising.

When you are exercising you must make sure that you stay hydrated

You need to drink more than just water however. 

Your body needs electrolytes.

Electrolytes help your body to retain fluids.

The best way to take these is to have a non carbonated sports drink.

When you have finished your training you body is crying out for nutrients.

It is at this time that you need to supply your muscles.

The best thing to take after a workout is a protein drink.

Now I hear some of you saying:

"I do not want to put on loads of muscle."

 You will NOT put on muscle by doing this.

All you are doing is repairing the muscle broken down during exercise.

To build muscle you need to take in a lot of protein throughout the day.

Within a few hours of exercising you do need a high quality, nutritious meal.

This means eating a meal that is high in carbohydrates and protein.

Doing this will help ensure that you are ready for your next round of exercise.

I hope you will follow this advice,

best wishes,

Stephen Hart


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Exercise Does Not Get Easier With Time.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to tell you a few truths about exercising.

Many people give the impression that exercise is always FUN.

 What they do not tell you is what is was like at the start.

Learning this hopefully encourage you to carry on training.

When you first start out on a new fitness regime you are going to be nervous and self conscious.

It is like starting a new job.

You do not always know what to do.

After your first day you wonder if you want to go back tomorrow.

Everything was so strange.

You did not know anyone.

You did not know how things worked.

You were not sure if you were doing it correctly.

It is the same with exercise.

It takes time to learn how to do things.

It takes time to make new friends.

If you do not go back and keep trying you will never get anywhere.

In time it will seem normal

Starting out is never easy.

You will have to grit your teeth the first few times and stick with it.

People who exercise are generally a friendly bunch.

They have similar goals to you. 

They will be willing to help you out if you have difficulties.

The only thing I can say is "Do Not Disturb Them If They Are In The Middle Of Doing An Exercise"

Wait until they have finished the exercise.

Do not disturb their concentration.

In time you will not be the newbie and some else who is new to exercise may come along.

Remember how you felt when you first started exercising and be as helpful as possible.

I hope this helps you to carry on with your fitness regime.


Stephen Hart

If you do not want to go to a gym then try this.

How Skipping the Gym Will Strip 21 lbs Of Ugly, Unhealthy & Embarrassing Fat From Your Body In Just 21 Minutes A Day—With Zero Equipment


Monday, 25 February 2013

Can Exercise Improve Your Looks?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to be looking at if exercising can improve your looks.

Looks  can mean different things to different women.

Some women are concerned about the way their skin looks

Others are concerned about if they look old.

Others are concerned if their bottom looks big in something. 

Every woman has their own concerns.


So how does it help improve your looks? 

Exercising helps your skin by tightening it up and stops it sagging.
It helps by the muscles supporting your skin more.

Tightening your skin also makes you look younger.

There is nothing worse for women having sagging skin

Sagging skin can also make you look more over weight than you actually are.

Exercise helps to tighten your skin and give it a healthy glow.

Exercise also helps you to burn fat.

This will help you to get rid of a saggy bottom or fat thighs.

Exercise also help to improve your breathing.

It helps to maintain your lung capacity.

As you exercise you will put on a small amount of muscle.

This muscle helps you to burn more calories throughout the day so you will put on less excess weight. 

In order to benefit from exercise though, you must do it for about 30 minutes a day, three times a week.

I hope you can now see the benefits that exercise has for your looks.

Stay Healthy,

I will be back with more tomorrow.

Stephen Hart 


Exercises For Weight Loss

Hi Guys today I would like to speak about exercise for weight loss.

Any time you elevate your heart rate into the top end of your target zone, the extra fuel (aka calories) you burn up continues in order to bring your heart rate and muscle activity back to normal and to metabolize the lactic acid you have created.

 The biggest problem for beginners is knowing which exercises to do.

Here are some simple exercises to begin with.

Just click on the links below and go to the video by clicking on go to link.

My apologies for the adverts at the start of the videos.

These exercises will help you to burn fat by raising your heart rate.

The best way to find more exercises for yourself is to do a search on youtube.

Have a go at these simple exercises and see how you get on.

I will be back again tomorrow.

Stay healthy,

Stephen Hart


Saturday, 23 February 2013

Will Exercising Make Women Put On Weight?


 Today I would like to talk about women's exercise and weight gain.

Many women these days are obsessed with their weight.

 They are always concerned when they put on a few extra pounds.

Women should not be so obsessed about how much they weigh as opposed to how they look.

Did you know that you can weigh more but look slimmer?

That's right, you can weigh more but be slimmer.

So how is this possible?

Muscle weight is twice that of fat weight

When you exercise you will put on weight, but this is muscle weight.

The more exercise you do, the more muscle you will put on.

However putting on muscle will help you to lose weight.

It takes a lot of calories to maintain muscle weight.

Muscles improve the way that your body looks.

It makes you look firmer and leaner.

It is like a furnace for your body.

Even when you are not actually exercising, you body will be burning calories

A lot of women worry about becoming too muscular.


Only around 2% of women have the genetics to be able to put on a lot of muscle.

The average woman can only put on a small amount of muscle.

Every bit of muscle though, helps to improve how your body looks.

Now that you can see how putting on muscle can help you with weight loss, you are most probably wondering which exercises you should do?

Tomorrow I will be talking about exercises to help you lose weight.

I hope you will join me tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Stephen Hart


Friday, 22 February 2013

The Dangers Of Being Overweight.

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to touch on the subject about the dangers of being over weight.

Being overweight does not just make it uncomfortable for you to do things. 

It can cause the following problems.

  1. Heart Disease
  2. Stroke
  3. Breathing Problems
  4. Type 2 diabetes
  5. High Blood Pressure
  6. Arthritis
  7. Forms Of Cancer
Now obviously you may not suffer from these problems, but it does not mean they will not occur.

The ailments creep up over a period of time.

The more overweight you are the greater are your chances of developing some or all of these problems.

For example,   If your waist is more than 35 inches, you may have a higher risk of weight-related health problems.

You can help to prevent yourself from getting these problems by losing weight.

The longer you take to do something about it, the greater are your risks of getting these ailments.

Do not think to yourself  " I will start tomorrow"

If you think this then chances are you will never do anything about it. 

You need to take action today.

The usual excuse is that an extra day will not make any difference.

 Everyday you put it off, the more are your chances of developing these illnesses

If you are not going to do anything today, then at least set a time for when you are going to do something about it.

Losing weight is a life changing decision.

Take it seriously.

Your life is at risk if you do not

In future articles I will be looking at ways to help you lose weight.

Until next time.

Be healthy.

Stephen Hart


Thursday, 21 February 2013

How Much Does Exercise Help You To Lose Weight?


Today I want to talk a bit about one of most women's most hated subjects.


When you mention exercise to women, they conveniently have an excuse as to why they cannot do it.

Something about exercise seems to scare a lot of women.

Whether it is because it seems like a masculine thing to do, they do not like getting sweaty or they are afraid of putting on too much muscle.

Lets look at these three things above.

Exercise is not just a male activity.

If you want to join a gym try and find ones that do women only classes. 

That way you do not have to train with men and you can discuss your problems with other women who have similar problems as you.

You will also find that when it comes to exercising, women are not trying to impress each other with how much they can lift. 

Getting Sweaty.

A lot of women do not like to sweat because it makes them feel unfeminine.

Going to a female only class  will mean that you do not have to worry about what the men will think.

If you do not want to join a gym then you can do exercises at home.

I will be talking about this in a future blog.

Putting on too much muscle.  

Many women think that if the exercise they will put on muscle.

Now although they will put on a small amount of muscle, they will not put on a lot of muscle. 

Even women who want to compete have a great deal of trouble putting on muscle. 

I will explain this in more detail in  future blog.

I have set out what I am going to be talking about in future blogs.

I hope you will join me.


Stephen Hart   


Why Do Woman Become Over Weight?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a bit about why women become over weight.

For the sake of this article I will not be looking at obese or over weight children.

This is aimed at women who are over 20 years old.

 You can become overweight or obese when you eat more calories than you use.

Calories come from the food you eat.

Everyone needs a certain amount of calories to survive.

When you do any activity you burn calories, and that includes natural things like breathing.

 If you take in more energy than your body uses, you will gain weight

Generally when you were younger you did not put on weight.

This is because you have a faster metabolism and you burn off more calories.

As you get older your metabolism slows down and so you need less calories to survive.

The problem is that you have got used to eating a certain amount of calories and it is difficult to change the habit.

As you get older you have more commitments such as work and family life.

This means that you are not running around in the same way as you did when you were younger.

The idea of taking up an exercise program seems like a step too far for most women.

You basically have two choices.

You can cut down on the amount of food that you are eating each day, or you can start an exercise program.

This does not mean that you have to join a gym.

You can get exercise by doing simple things such as walking more.

Walking does not cost anything.

Walking also means that you are getting more fresh air which is good for you.

I will be looking at exercise in further blogs.

Being over weight presents you with dangers.

I will also be looking at these in further articles.

 I will be looking at where the extra calories that cause you to put on weight are coming from.

I hope you will follow these articles in the coming days.

Be healthy.

Stephen Hart


Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Weight Loss For Women.

Hi Guys,

Tioday I am going to change the theme of my blog.

I am going to look at another subject that interests me.

I am a coach at a local gym.  A lot of women are trying to lose weight so I will be concentrating on that subject for a little while.

Before I get into writing about this topic please let me know your opinions.

Would you like me to write about weight loss for women or would you prefer I write articles about internet marketing?

Leave you replies in the comments box at the end of this article.

Kind Regards,

Stephen Hart

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

How Do You Find New And Interesting Topics To Talk About?

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to talk about where to find new and interesting topics to discuss with your readers.

 In order to keep your readers interest you need to find current and interesting articles to keep their attention and keep them interested in your list.

The problem often occurs that you run out of new ideas to post.

You might have some of your own ideas that  you can post to your readers but eventually you WILL run out of articles.

In order to come up with new articles you will have to do some research of your own. 

Whereabouts should you do the research? 

There are several possible sources. 

The first and most obvious, that I have spoken about in previous blogs , is to to forums related to your subject.

People in these forums are always asking questions. 

You just have to do a search on search engines to come up with a solution.

Alternatively you could just look on the search engines for subjects that might be of interest to your readers.

Look out for upcoming information so that you can post it before it becomes too wide spread.

This gives the impression that you have got your finger on the pulse of new articles.

Do not just copy old articles.

Try and find things with an unusual slant on them.

You can use ideas from these articles and re-write them putting your own slant on them.

The more often you do this the better you will become at writing them.

Remember,  practice makes perfect. 

It is all about learning a new skill set.

If you get good at writing new articles then other people may start using your articles in their posts which will give your name more exposure.

I hope you found this useful.

Get writing and have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart


Sunday, 17 February 2013

Post Articles To Promote Your Site

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk about promoting your site.

A lot of people do not think that promoting their web site is that important.

They just think that people will see it in a search engine and click on it.

If only that was true.

Unfortunately it is not and it takes a lot of effort to promote your web site.  

The only time your site will really be seen in the search engines is if it is one the first one or two pages.

So how can you promote your web site? 

One of the easiest is to write articles relevant to your site.

You article should list some of the benefits of your site.

Tell them what your site is about. 

Tell them what your site can do for them

Tell them how it can save them time or provide a solution to their problem

Get excited about your site. 

Try and generate some enthusiasm as to why they should visit your site.

If you are not excited about your site then chances are neither will your readers.

Then give them a URL to click to take them to your site.

One of the best ways of doing this is to put it in the signature of your article.

Tell them that if they found it useful then recommend it to other people.

If you can get recommendations form other people who found it interesting or useful then you will get more sales.

This is one of the easiest ways to get more views and signs ups from your web site. 

I hope you have a profitable day,

Stephen Hart

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