Friday, 1 February 2013

Make Money Using Blogs.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk a bit about Making Money From Blogs.

 In order to have a blog there are a few things that you MUST have in place.

These are:-

  1. A domain name.
  2. A web hosting package.
Both of these have to be paid for. 

What is a blog? 

A blog is basically a web page with all your articles that you have written in reverse order.

 One of the best places to join for free is Blogger.

Assuming you have got all the above, lets look at how you can make money from your blog.

One of the easiest way is to use Adsense.

After you have written a blog entry and got it online,  Google Adsense choose the most suitable adverts to put on your blog.

When anyone clicks on the advert in your blog and buys something then you get a percentage of the sale value.

Another great way to make money with your blog is to put your affiliate link on it.

When someone clicks on the link and ends up buying it, again you get a percentage of the sale.

In effect they are paying you to advertise on your blog.

You can also make money by asking people if they would like to put an advert of their own on your blog page.

People pay you for allowing them to post their own advert.

Earning money from your blog can take a long time.

You normally have to wait for up to a year to see any real income. 

This is one reason that a lot of people do not like this system.

If however you enjoy writing, then this could be for you.

In order to make any money though you need to get people to read your blog.

This can also take time.

You can get readers by submitting articles to places like E-zine articles and have a link to your blog in the signature at the end of your blog.

You can also do things like joining blog directories.

You also do things such as commenting in forums related to your blog and again adding a link in your signature.

It is a good idea to have a great title tag that is keyword rich so that anyone searching for a keyword will get your blog listed in lots of other articles with the same keyword.

I hope this gives you a brief insight into how to make money from blogs.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

 Learn how to make money from blogging.



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