Thursday, 21 February 2013

Why Do Woman Become Over Weight?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a bit about why women become over weight.

For the sake of this article I will not be looking at obese or over weight children.

This is aimed at women who are over 20 years old.

 You can become overweight or obese when you eat more calories than you use.

Calories come from the food you eat.

Everyone needs a certain amount of calories to survive.

When you do any activity you burn calories, and that includes natural things like breathing.

 If you take in more energy than your body uses, you will gain weight

Generally when you were younger you did not put on weight.

This is because you have a faster metabolism and you burn off more calories.

As you get older your metabolism slows down and so you need less calories to survive.

The problem is that you have got used to eating a certain amount of calories and it is difficult to change the habit.

As you get older you have more commitments such as work and family life.

This means that you are not running around in the same way as you did when you were younger.

The idea of taking up an exercise program seems like a step too far for most women.

You basically have two choices.

You can cut down on the amount of food that you are eating each day, or you can start an exercise program.

This does not mean that you have to join a gym.

You can get exercise by doing simple things such as walking more.

Walking does not cost anything.

Walking also means that you are getting more fresh air which is good for you.

I will be looking at exercise in further blogs.

Being over weight presents you with dangers.

I will also be looking at these in further articles.

 I will be looking at where the extra calories that cause you to put on weight are coming from.

I hope you will follow these articles in the coming days.

Be healthy.

Stephen Hart


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