Saturday, 23 February 2013

Will Exercising Make Women Put On Weight?


 Today I would like to talk about women's exercise and weight gain.

Many women these days are obsessed with their weight.

 They are always concerned when they put on a few extra pounds.

Women should not be so obsessed about how much they weigh as opposed to how they look.

Did you know that you can weigh more but look slimmer?

That's right, you can weigh more but be slimmer.

So how is this possible?

Muscle weight is twice that of fat weight

When you exercise you will put on weight, but this is muscle weight.

The more exercise you do, the more muscle you will put on.

However putting on muscle will help you to lose weight.

It takes a lot of calories to maintain muscle weight.

Muscles improve the way that your body looks.

It makes you look firmer and leaner.

It is like a furnace for your body.

Even when you are not actually exercising, you body will be burning calories

A lot of women worry about becoming too muscular.


Only around 2% of women have the genetics to be able to put on a lot of muscle.

The average woman can only put on a small amount of muscle.

Every bit of muscle though, helps to improve how your body looks.

Now that you can see how putting on muscle can help you with weight loss, you are most probably wondering which exercises you should do?

Tomorrow I will be talking about exercises to help you lose weight.

I hope you will join me tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Stephen Hart


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