Saturday, 9 February 2013

Tips For Finding A Niche Market

Hi Guys,

Today I want to look at the process of finding a Niche Market to sell to.

Let us look at the steps involved in this process.

Lets assume you have an interest in health and fitness

This is a vast market, so you need to narrow it down a bit.

Let us now look at just the health niche. 

Think about what is the biggest problem with people's health.

Also think about what is a common question that keeps coming up.

One of the most common questions seems to be about weight.

It is in the news everyday,  people are wondering how they can lose weight?
You are slowly  narrowing down your niche.

There are still things that you can do to narrow it down further.

Think about why people are putting on weight?

It it what they eat?

What is their food that is making them put on weight.

Narrow your possible niche down further.

Is it the fat in their food?

Is it the sugar in their food? 

You cam do some research into these topics and see what answers you can find.

Lets assume you decide to look into the sugar content of food.

You are nearly there.

You have gone from the health and fitness niche.

Narrowed it down to what they eat.

Narrowed it down Fat or Sugars.

Both of these are great niche subjects. 

All that is required now is to engage with your niche about the subject.

You could write articles about the amount of sugars in particular foods.

You could write articles about different types of sugar. 

Find out what you can and post content that will engage people interested in this subject.

Get them to sign up to your web page and offer them FREE articles to sign up to your web page. 

When you have got them in your list then you can make offers to them in your follow up emails about other ways to lose weight.

Do you now see how you can target your niche very precisely to get a very targeted market interested in your niche?

This principle of narrowing down your target market can work in any niche.

You just have to think about subjects people in that niche would be interested in.

I hope you found the information in this blog useful.

Feel free to leave any comments in the box at the end of this blog.

Have a profitable day,

Stephen Hart

 Click Here To Find Out How To Find A Niche.

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