Friday, 29 March 2013

Stopping Weight Gain In Children.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to be talking about stopping weight gain in children.

How do you stop your child gaining weight?

Do not worry about fancy diets.

Instead try and stick to the basics

Don't worry about counting calories and carbohydrates and fat grams.

Encourage them to eat healthy meals and snacks

Make sure that they are not highly processed and do not contain empty calories that provide no nutritional content.

If your child is already overweight, you will likely have to make some changes to his diet but this isn't as hard as you think. 

It doesn't have to involve counting every calorie that he eats and drinks, which can be especially hard when your kids are eating at school.

 Just keep an eye on their weight every week.

Tell them that you have to do it for their doctor to make sure they are growing up properly.

 If you see their weight increasing faster than it should then you will have to make some changes.

A pound of extra fat is the equivalent of 3500 calories.

In order to help them lose a pound a week you will have to try and cut their calorie intake by 3500 a week.

You can do this long term and see how much weight they are gaining over a year and if it is excessive, you could change to things like non-fat milk, diet soda or a more healthy after school snack.

If your child is still putting on weight then you could try cutting out carbonated drinks completely.

Carbonated drinks tend to be high in sugar and are generally considered to be bad for your child.

Try and ween them off these.

Obviously, you know what your child is eating so it is down to you to look carefully at the things they are eating and make changes to their diet if they are putting on weight.

Check the food labels for ingredients and calories and cut out anything which is full of fat or sugar.

Ultimately it is YOU that is responsible for your child's health so do not let them down.


Stephen Hart


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