Sunday, 10 March 2013

Why Do Maried Women Put On Weight?

Today I would like to look at a question that so many women seem to ask.

Why do married women put on weight?

Women tend to put on weight after they get married, for reasons that may not seem obvious.

One of the first reasons is that they may have left their job to bring up a child.

Giving up your job can mean that you are not as self conscious about your body because you do not have other women to compare it to.

When you are working there is more motivation to look good. 

You subconsciously strive to look better than the women around you. 

When you do not have the motivation then it can be difficult to pay as much atention to your weight.

That is one of the reasons that people try to lose weight for the summer.

They know that their will be a lot of competition because people do not wear as many clothes in the hot weather.

 What else causes married women to put on weight?

Marriage tends to be a time when women think about having children.

Women's bodies may adjust to the increased weight linked to having a baby.

Women need to increase their fat reserves in order to have a healthy baby.

Single mother's tend to be thinner because they want to increase their chances of attracting a man.

Married women also found that the weight gain put off other men being flirtatious with them.

The increase in weight may also make them seem less confident and so not be expected to do as well as a more confident, weight appropriate person.

When you have had a child then your hormones change.

Your body tries to store more weight.

This goes back to when we were cavemen.

You needed to store fat for when food was scarce.

It is a natural instinct for survival

You still want to be able to feed your child if their is not enough food for everyone.

In summary it is not necessarily your fault if you put on weight after you get married.

It is just your body doing what comes naturally to it.

I will speak to you again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

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