Today I am going to speak a bit about how to keep your energy levels up during dieting.
I have listed below some of the important ways to help maintain your energy levels throughout the day.
- Make sure that you are eating enough food to maintain your basal metabolic rate. (B.M.R.) Reduce your calories just enough so that you put yourself in calorie deficit but not so much that you start storing fat.
- Your metabolism and energy levels will be at their best when you give yourself nourishment throughout the day. Make sure that you eat breakfast no matter how you feel. This is the most important meal of the day to give you energy.
- Eat something healthy every 3 hours or so for a total of 5-6 times a day. If you have the time and desire to figure it out, mini-meals each time you eat might be the best choice for you. Only eat between 300 - 500 calories at each meal to give you constant energy throughout the day.
- Contrary to how most people eat, you should eat your biggest meal earlier in the day. This will mean it will be digested when you are active. Eating big meals in the evening will mean it will be digested when you go to bed and will subsequently be stored as fat because you have no need for energy.
- Make sure you keep hydrated. Your body needs water to keep your metabolism and physiological processes running smoothly. Dehydration can result in low energy or even fatigue. Do not drink carbonated drinks or fruit juice which contain large amount of sugar.
- In addition to water, your body needs a variety of nutrients in a well-orchestrated balance to keep your energy levels up.This happens in part because a proper balance of nutrients are needed to keep your hormones in balance. Your hormones in turn influence your metabolism. For the greatest success, you will want to get your nutrients from whole, healthy foods NOT supplements or highly processed foods.
- Exercise or engage in some kind of daily physical activity. Making time for exercise can give you energy AND time rather than take time away. How? By keeping your energy levels up and helping you to be fully awake and efficient for more hours each day.
- Finally make sure that you get plenty of rest. You should be aiming for 8 hours of sleep a night.
Follow these rules to keep your energy levels high.
Have a great day.
Stephen Hart
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