Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Clean Yourself Out!

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to speak a bit about cleaning yourself out.


Your body has a natural tendency to store food.

If it is not need straight away then it will store it a FAT.

Obviously if you are trying to lose weight then you do not want this to happen.

You need to get as much unwanted or undigested food out of your body when you are inactive.

You need to ask yourself what time of the day are you most inactive?

When are you just sitting around doing nothing?

The answer is obvious if you think about it.

 It is when you are sleeping. 

The question is:

How can  you get rid of this food when you are sleeping?

What you need to do is give your body a bit of a clean.

There will be a lot of food in your digestive tract.

It is just sitting there waiting to be turned into FAT.

What you need to do is get it out of you system.

It is similar to a blocked plughole in your sink.

The food is just sitting there.

You need to unblock your body.

You need to put something in the plughole to clear the blockage.

An easy way to do this is to eat some high fibre foods before you go to bed.

Then as you are sleeping it will move the undigested food into your bowels.

When you get up in the morning you just to to the toilet and get rid of it and you will have a nice clean system.

This is a simple but effective way to cleanse your body.

I hope you found this article helpful.

I will speak to again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

How Do You Plan Your Meals?

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to discuss a bit more about planning your meals.


Too many people plan their meals just by looking in their cupboard and seeing what is there.

What can be even worse is going and grabbing something from a fast food shop.

You absolutely must plan your meals if you want to lose weight.

Make sure that there are no what I call "nasty" foods in your house.

These are foods high in fat and sugars but have no nutritional value.

People tend to eat these sorts of foods when they are bored or depressed.

Make sure that you have a supply of healthy snack foods if you get the craving for a snack.

Cut up some pieces of fruit so that you can use these as healthy snacks.

Ultimately though you want to make sure that only healthy foods are available in your house.

Prepare these when you have a bit of spare time and freeze them for later.

Then when you need to eat something you do not have to actually prepare anything.

The key is to prepare as much as you can in advance.

That way you can think a bit more about the health aspects of what you are preparing.

Remember you have to plan to be slim.

Remember, if you fail to plan you are planning to fail.

Speak to you again tomorrow ,

Stephen Hart


Sunday, 28 April 2013

Get In The Right Frame Of Mind For Weight Loss.

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to talk about your frame of mind.


 In order to be successful at anything you have to put your heart and soul into it.

You have most probably heard the expression "Their mind is not into it"

This means that although they are going through the motions, they are not really thinking about what they are doing.

In order to be successful at weight loss you have to put your mind into it. 

That means thinking about the things you are doing and not just go through the motions.

You have to think about the foods that you are eating.

Ask yourself things like:

Are they healthy for me?

How much fat is in what I am about to eat?

How many calories are in it?

Am I really hungry?

How much have I already eaten today.

It is by thinking of these sorts of things that you will be able to control your weight

As you get more accustomed to thinking like this you will slowly start eating healthier foods and be able to control your weight.

Speak to you tomorrow,

Stephen Hart

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Do DVD Exercise Videos Work?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk about exercise DVDs


You know the type of DVD I am talking about.

The ones promoted by celebrities like Davina Mcall or Coleen Nolan.

Let us have a quick look at the facts.

To begin with they are famous.

They are using their celebrity status to sell the video.

They are also a lot richer than the average person. 

They are using their celebrity status to make more money.

Would you buy a fitness DVD from a person called Joe Blogs?

Of course not.

You do not know a  thing about that person.

You do not know what their fitness training credentials are.

Do you know the fitness credentials of the celebrities?

Chances are they do not have any. 

They are just using their name to sell the video.

Look at the times when they advertise them.

Christmas, Mother's Day or any other special event.

That is the times when people buy lots of things.

They rely on impulse buying.

All they are interested in is making money for themselves.

Once they have gotten your money they just forget about you.

In order for you to benefit from these DVDs you have to use them about three times per week.

That might work for the first week, but then you get bored of the DVD and give up on it.

It is the same  content every time DVD on.

It has been shown that an enthusiastic person might use the DVD for a few weeks.

Then they just forget about it.

I bet you have a few of these DVDs yourself.

In the end though they are just used as book ends or gather dust on a shelf.

You will be better off saving your money and going fora walk a few times a week.
I doubt if the celebrities selling their DVDs will like this post but I am just pointing out the facts.

Speak to you again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

Friday, 26 April 2013

More About Safe Weight Loss

Hi Guys,

Yesterday I talked A bit about safe weight loss.

I discussed your eating habits.

Today I will be talking about Planning Your Meals.

You have to be able to plan your meals in advance to take account of what you will be doing on that day.

One of the biggest causes of weight gain is that they have not thought about what and when they will be eating during the day and so they resort to quick snacks which are generally unhealthy for you and contain far too many calories.

Always try to plan your meals, prepare them in advance and make sure they are healthy and nutritious.

Get out the cookbooks and look for healthy meals that you can make.

You could even plan healthy meals for the whole week.

When you are preparing your meals think about what they contain.

Make sure that they are healthy.

Also consider the amount of food that you are preparing.

So many people prepare meals that are too big and you end up eating way to much.

Try and limit them to around 3-500 calories a meal.

That may not seem like a lot but it is actually all you need.

Many people these days have gotten used to eating meals that are way to big which is why there is a weight problem.

Try and prepare meals that you can freeze so that you only have to prepare them once a week.

Shop around for different and interesting foods so that you do not become bored with them.

Try and incorporate things like spices to make food more exciting to your palate.

Doing these simple things will help reduce the excess calories that you put into your body.

I hope you found this useful.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

Safe Weight Loss.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to be talking about safe weight loss


The first thing you need to do before trying to lose weight is to have a look at what you are doing that has caused you to put on weight.

You need to look at whether you are eating healthy meals or whether you are relying on fast foods and junk foods.

Do you eat a lot of frozen or processed foods?

These are things that will affect your weight.

Next you have to look at your portion sizes.

Many people tend to eat way to much at one sitting.

If you have a tendency to snack during the day, make sure that they are healthy snacks.

Look at the time of the day when you eat.

Is it late at night while you sit and watch TV

Do you crave the need for something when you are driving

Knowing what your weak points are will help you plan for ways to alter your eating habits.

By having an idea about when and why you eat and snack will give you the best chance of losing weight safely.

Tomorrow I will be looking at planning your meals

Speak to you tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

If you want a slimming world book then just click the link below.



Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Do You Get Fed Up With Dieting?

Hi Guys,

I just want to ask you a quick question.

Do You Get Fed Up With Dieting?


I think I know the answer to that question.

It is most probably YES.

Dieting is not very nice for anyone.

You feel hungry.

You feel grumpy.

You have no energy.

In a word you feel like CRAP.

There are basically two solutions to this problem.

One is to not get into this position in the first place. 

The second is to accept that you were not eating or exercising correctly.

There are two ways to face this situation.

The first is the easy way.

Just accept the way you are.

If you do that, do not complain.

You got yourself in this position, you are not prepared to do anything about it, so just suffer in silence. 

If you would prefer to try and sort out your weight problem you have to taken it seriously.

You have to change your eating habits.

You have to cut out the foods the foods that got you into this situation.

I have watched what I eat for over 30 years.

It is not pleasant at times I can tell you.

I monitor my weight once a week.

If I see that I am putting on fat I will make a small adjustment in my eating habits to lose that weight.

Losing small amounts of unwanted fat is so much easier than trying to lose vast amounts.

Keep an eye on your weight and do something about it as soon as you notice any change.

Sorry for the bad news, but there is no easy way to lose weight

I just hope that you act now before it gets out of hand.

That way you will find weight loss so much easier.


Stephen Hart

Get your free weight loss recipies.

How Much Should A Woman Eat To Lose Weight?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to be talking about How Much A Woman Should Eat To Lose Weight.


There is a scientific way to work out how much you should eat to lose weight.

You cannot cheat this system.

You cannot have a sly snack and hope no one will notice. 

It does not work that way.

So let us look at the formula that determines how much you need to eat to lose weight.

Calculating the number of calories you need to lose weight is a relatively simple, three-step process. 

It is a proven scientific formula so you cannot cheat it if you want to lose weight.

The Harris-Benedict equation is the most widely used method of calculating your calorie needs (and thus your calorie needs for weight loss).

Here is the Harris-Benedict equation for women:

BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
You just need to plug in your age, height, and weight. 

The number you get is the total number of calories you need each day to exist (also known as your basal metabolic rate, BMR). 

For example, a 50-year-woman who is 5' 7" and weighs 160 lbs has a basal metabolic rate of 1441 calories.

Using this formula work out how many calories you need to eat each day to stay the same weight.

You might be shocked at how low the number is.

Now based on that figure, if you consume less calories then you will lose weight.

Conversely,  if you consume more than this figure you will put on weight.

Give it a go and see how you get on.

I will talk to you again tomorrow.


Stephen Hart.

Monday, 22 April 2013

You Do Not Have To Go To Gym To Get Fit.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a little bit about keeping fit at home.


There are many kinds of ways to keep fit at home

You do not have to sign up to a gym.

Working out at home gives you the freedom to do a short workout when you have the time. 

I know that a lot of people do not have the time or the inclination to join a gym.

There are a lot of ways to stay fit at home though.

You could put on an exercise DVD and spend time getting your heart rate up

You could do exercises on a fitness ball

This can help you to build up your strength and flexibility

You could buy a pair of light dumb bells and use those or combine them with your exercise ball

 You could buy some exercise bands.

These are also a great way to improve your strength and flexibility

You could buy some kettlebells which are like dumb bells with handles on them.

There is so much equipment out there today to help you keep fit.

There are loads of free videos on YouTube showing you exercises that you can do with this equipment.

It is just a question of doing a quick internet search.

Go on, do a search when you are sitting down with your cup of coffee.

It is worth it.

If you need to get your hands on some kettlebells just click the link below.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Stephen Hart.


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Calorie Dense Food. What CAN you eat?

Hi Guys,

Today I am following on from yesterdays post and letting you know which calorie dense foods you can eat and those you cannot.


Animal fats  are high in saturated fats and cholesterol.  These can be dangerous to your health if consumed in large amounts so make sure that you only consume them in moderation.

Vegetable fats are very similar to animal fats.  These can  be harmful to your health as well so  make sure you only consume these in moderate amounts.

Nuts and seeds contain fat, but this fat is the good type that is good for your heart.  These are good for your health and so it is recommended that you consume this sort of fat. 

Salad Dressing are packed with fats and oils that are bad for your health. These sort of fats should be avoided at all costs.

Peanut Butter contains fat  that is healthy to eat.  It is recommended that you eat this sort of fat.

Junk food contains lots of bad fat and calories.  It goes without saying that these should be avoided at all costs.

Dark Chocolate contains fat but it is also packed with anti-oxidants.  Although it contains fat, the benefits out weigh the detrimental effects.

Cheese contains fats but it is also high in protein.  Protein is essential for your health so cheese can be consumed in small amounts

Fried food is bad for you.  Everyone knows that.  Avoid it at all costs.

Processed food has got a bad name and rightly so.  This should be avoided at all costs.

I hope this brief explanation has clarified what you should and should not eat.

I will talk to you again tomorrow.


Stephen Hart