Friday, 26 April 2013

More About Safe Weight Loss

Hi Guys,

Yesterday I talked A bit about safe weight loss.

I discussed your eating habits.

Today I will be talking about Planning Your Meals.

You have to be able to plan your meals in advance to take account of what you will be doing on that day.

One of the biggest causes of weight gain is that they have not thought about what and when they will be eating during the day and so they resort to quick snacks which are generally unhealthy for you and contain far too many calories.

Always try to plan your meals, prepare them in advance and make sure they are healthy and nutritious.

Get out the cookbooks and look for healthy meals that you can make.

You could even plan healthy meals for the whole week.

When you are preparing your meals think about what they contain.

Make sure that they are healthy.

Also consider the amount of food that you are preparing.

So many people prepare meals that are too big and you end up eating way to much.

Try and limit them to around 3-500 calories a meal.

That may not seem like a lot but it is actually all you need.

Many people these days have gotten used to eating meals that are way to big which is why there is a weight problem.

Try and prepare meals that you can freeze so that you only have to prepare them once a week.

Shop around for different and interesting foods so that you do not become bored with them.

Try and incorporate things like spices to make food more exciting to your palate.

Doing these simple things will help reduce the excess calories that you put into your body.

I hope you found this useful.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this extremely informative post. ive been trying to shed weight for about 1 week now but im still baffled what to do very first or in which to start out. you just assisted to set my priorities to shed weight. thank you.

    Patricia Joyner
    Author of natural weight loss supplements website
