Friday, 5 April 2013

Are You Nuts To Eat Nuts Whilst Dieting?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going NUTS!!!!

A lot of people are under the impression that nuts are bad for diets

They think that they are full of fat which cannot be good for you.

What you have to look at however if the type of fat.

People know that too much fat is bad for them.

However, not all fats are created equal.

Fats from things like sweets and donuts are just empty calories and so should be avoided at all costs.

Nuts however contain the good fats.

What do I mean by that?

There are certain things in nuts that are GOOD for you.

They are good for your heart and eyes.

Nut eaters have higher HDL (good) cholesterol and lower levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the body.

However you have to make sure that you do not eat too many nuts, because although they contain good fat, it can still make you fat.

Try and keep the number of nuts each day, down to about a handful.

So what are the best nuts for your health?

Here is a list of the good nuts.

Walnuts: people who ate walnuts improved cholesterol levels without gaining weight.

Almonds: Just 23 almonds per day provide one-third of your daily vitamin E dose.

Pistachios: This green nut is dubbed the “skinny” nut, because each has only three calories. Plus, if you shell them, they slow your eating speed and cut consumption. 

Hazelnuts: Also known as filberts, hazelnuts have folate, a B vitamin important for preventing heart disease as well as certain cancers, Alzheimer’s disease and birth defects.

Pecans: contain gamma-tocopherol, a heart-healthy type of vitamin E that protects against unhealthy oxidation of LDL cholesterol in blood.

As you can see, nuts have great health benefits for your body.  

Eat a handful each day to improve your health.

I hope that has put some of your fears to bed about eating nuts.

Speak to again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

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