Friday, 12 April 2013

Probiotics: Are They Good For You?

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk a bit about Probiotics.

You have no doubt heard about Probiotics, but what are they and are they any good? 

Probiotics are actually LIVE BACTERIA.

Most people think of antibiotics and antibacterial products when you mention bacteria

Both of those kill bacteria so why would you want to consume anything that has live bacteria in it?

Our digestive systems naturally has good and bad bacteria in it.

Getting the correct balance between the two is vital for optimal health.

Things like medication, diet and disease can upset the balance.

Although your body is pretty effective at handling these imbalances, it sometimes needs a bit of extra help.

Sometimes you get what is called a gut feeling when something is not right.

A "gut feeling" or a "gut reaction" to something is a description of a sense you have about it without knowing why.

 A gut feeling is like a second brain.

Its role is to manage every aspect of digestion in all the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon
This complex ecosystem contains over 400 bacterial species. 

Small amounts can be found in your stomach and small intestines, but the majority is found in your colon.

It is this system that aids in digestion, synthesize vitamins and nutrients, metabolize some medications, support the development and functioning of the gut, and enhance the immune system. 

How do Probiotics help you? 

Probiotics are believed to protect us in two ways. 

The first is the role that they play in our digestive tract.

The other way that Probiotics help is the impact that they have on our immune system. 

Some believe that this role is the most important. 

Our immune system is our protection against germs.

Sometimes you immune system can get out of balance, but Probitoics help you to regain the balance.

Our immune system can benefit anytime that balanced is restored, so it's never too late.

In summary, Probiotics are a great way of balancing your immune and keeping you healthy.  

Although they are bacteria, they are good bacteria and are therefore good for your health.

I hope you found this article useful.

I will speak to you again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

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