Saturday, 13 April 2013

Is Taking Anadin Safe?

Hi Guys,

Today I will be looking at "Is Taking Anadin Safe?"

Firstly I want to look at how anadin works.

Anadin paracetamol tablets contain the active ingredient paracetamol, which is a simple painkilling medicine used to relieve mild to moderate pain and fever.

Paracetamol is also available without a brand name.

Despite its widespread use for over 100 years, we still don't fully understand how paracetamol works to relieve pain and reduce fever.

There are many brands and forms of Anadin Paracetamol.

Do not use more of this medication than is recommended.

The maximum amount of acetaminophen for adults is 1 gram (1000 mg) per dose and 4 grams (4000 mg) per day.

Acetaminophen is the generic name for anadin.

An overdose of Anadin Paracetamol can cause serious harm.

If a person accidentally or intentionally takes a very large dose of aspirin at one time, it's called an acute overdose.
Your doctor will be able to give you advice as to whether it is safe for you to take anadin.
Some people tend to confuse anadin with aspirin, so tomorrow I will be looking at aspirin.
Speak to you tomorrow,

Stephen Hart


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