Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Change Your Life To Stay Slim

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk about making changes to your life to stay slim.

Apart from giving birth or moving house, losing weight can be one of the most difficult things to do.

You can become a woman possessed when it comes to losing weight.

It is always on your mind, you get hungry, tired, irritable  and you just wish it was over.

After months of effort you finally get to the weight you want to be.
You do not want to go though all that again.

Let us look at ways that you can stay slim

The first thing is not to go back to your old eating habits. 

You do not want to put on weight and then go through the trauma of dieting again.

 Try and stick to the diet you were on to help you lose weight.

It is these habits that keep you fit and healthy

Having been on a diet for a while, you should have gotten more used to eating healthy foods.

Do not be tempted to back to the foods that made you put on weight.

They are highly addictive.

They are more addictive than smoking.

Once they have got you hooked again it will be very difficult to give up again. 

You do not want to go back to where you were before you started dieting.

Stick to the new your new way of life and enjoy being slim.

The world is suffering from an obesity epidemic, do not become the next victim.

I will speak to again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart


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