Today I want to talk to you about burning away the fat.
Wouldn't it be nice if you knew what foods helped you burn away the fat?
Did you know that some foods actually stop you burning fat.
If you put certain foods together they will actually help your body burn more fat.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could eat whatever you want and not put on weight?
For most people this is just a dream.
While that's unlikely, it is possible to speed up your metabolism, that little engine in your body that burns calories.
Did you know that a lot of so called healthy foods actually contain lots of sugar.
Things like fruit juice, low fat foods, healthy cereals to name but a few.
They take advantage of labeling.
They can be called low fat, but it does not tell you that as soon as you eat them, they turn to sugar and actually make you put on weight.
They also prevent you from losing fat.
When your blood sugar is high your body has to release insulin which causes your body to store fat not burn it.
This is not what you want.
The other things to remember is that not all carbs are healthy for you.
Things like bread and pasta will not help you burn the fat.
Not eating fat however will not help you lose weight.
When you eat good fat, you body will burn of the fat.
Those are fats from things like coconut oil, olive oil, nuts and avocados.
Along with fats, processed foods contain lots of sugar and chemicals that prevents you from burning off fat.
It is eliminating these things from you diet that will help you burn fat more easily.
You can actually eat more if you get rid of the wrong foods.
If you want to find out more about fats you can and cannot eat as well as other great tips to help you lose weight, then I recommend you watch the video at the end of the page beneath my name.
I am sure you will find it useful.
Speak to you again tomorrow.
Best wishes,
Stephen Hart
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