Sunday 3 February 2013

Consistency Is The Key To Success.

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to talk about consistency.

 In order to be a success on line you need to be consistent with your program.

That means adding new content that will engage the reader.

 You also need to let your followers know when they can expect new content on your web site.

So many peoples time is wasted when they go to your web site hoping to find fresh content and finding there is nothing new there.

When you finish posting content, if you do not post new content every day then let them know when they can expect a new article.

Some people post twice a week, others once a week and some post new content once a month.

Let them know when to expect it.

That way your web site gets a reputation of keeping people informed about what is going on.

Whenever you post new content on your web site, make it obvious where it can be found.

There is nothing worse than trying to find the new content on a web site.

You may want to put it at the start of your web site.

Another method is to put it in the latest articles section.

It does not really matter that much where on your website you post it, just so long as you post it in the same area every time.

That way they will know the time and the place of where to find the new content.

If you update your web site and change where the new content is then let your readers know where to find it

Making your web site easy to understand and navigate is the key to having a great web site.

I hope you found this information useful.

If you want to leave any comments then then just leave them in the comments box at the bottom of this page.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

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