Wednesday 6 February 2013

How To Get More Fans For Your Facebook Page

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk a bit about getting more fans for your Facebook Page.
 Firstly make sure that your fan page is colourful and appealing with lots of photos.
Make sure that is has interesting and appealing content
 Plan the page first putting photos of the image you want to portray.
If you already have a fan page with only a few fans then now is the time to do something about it.
 Once your fan page is as you want it the next thing to do is time to spread the word about your page.
 You can do this by recommending it to your friends.
You do this by clicking the suggest to friends button
You can also try and get your work colleagues and acquaintances  to like your fan page.

Do spell it out concisely and politely that you'd appreciate it if they clicked "like" on your fan page
Not all people are clued in about what to do after they've clicked on the URL!
 The next thing to do is ask your friends to ask their friends to like your fan page.

The next thing you can do is if you have liked someone else's page then put comments and links on that page.
Try and be one of the first to make a comment on an up-dated page

Do not over do the links you post on their page or you might get banned by them.

Use @reply to tag a person on their Facebook page.

Whenever you do this, your note appears on the page of the person or company whose name accompanies the "@reply"
 Do not do this to often or you might get a warning from Facebook about spamming.

In the next blog post I will be discussing further methods to increase your fans.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

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