Thursday 21 February 2013

How Much Does Exercise Help You To Lose Weight?


Today I want to talk a bit about one of most women's most hated subjects.


When you mention exercise to women, they conveniently have an excuse as to why they cannot do it.

Something about exercise seems to scare a lot of women.

Whether it is because it seems like a masculine thing to do, they do not like getting sweaty or they are afraid of putting on too much muscle.

Lets look at these three things above.

Exercise is not just a male activity.

If you want to join a gym try and find ones that do women only classes. 

That way you do not have to train with men and you can discuss your problems with other women who have similar problems as you.

You will also find that when it comes to exercising, women are not trying to impress each other with how much they can lift. 

Getting Sweaty.

A lot of women do not like to sweat because it makes them feel unfeminine.

Going to a female only class  will mean that you do not have to worry about what the men will think.

If you do not want to join a gym then you can do exercises at home.

I will be talking about this in a future blog.

Putting on too much muscle.  

Many women think that if the exercise they will put on muscle.

Now although they will put on a small amount of muscle, they will not put on a lot of muscle. 

Even women who want to compete have a great deal of trouble putting on muscle. 

I will explain this in more detail in  future blog.

I have set out what I am going to be talking about in future blogs.

I hope you will join me.


Stephen Hart   


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