Saturday 20 April 2013

Foods that help you lose weight.

Hi Guys,

I think I have sorted out my problem.  I think Google+ got turned on by mistake.

So here I go again.

Today I am looking at food s that help you lose weight.

The first food I would like to look at are eggs.

Many people think that eggs will make you put on weight.

This is true if you just eat them at any time.

What you  need to do is to eat them for breakfast.

You could have something like scrambled eggs. 

They are high in protein and will help you to feel full form longer.

This means that you will not b e so tempted to snack before your next meal.

It is the snacks that tend to make you put on weight because they are generally sugary with very little nutritional value.

Another great food that can help you lose weight is brocolli.

Brocolli is high in calcium and high in fibre. 

This again helps to make you feel fuller.

Having problems again with blogger.

I will try again tomorrow.


Stephen Hart

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