Monday 15 April 2013

Is Buying Medicines Online Dangerous?

Hi Guys,

Today I am looking at whether it is safe to buy medicines online.

The established way to obtain medicines is from a pharmacist. 

Increasingly, however, purchases are being made over the internet.

So how safe is this?

If you are thinking about buying what may be a Prescription Only Medicine, we strongly urge you to consult your doctor, rather than purchase the medicine direct from an internet supplier without a prescription.

If you you buy Prescription Only Medicines over the internet:
  • they may not have been prescribed by a healthcare professional
  • there may not be checks and controls on the quality and effectiveness of medicines supplied
  • there may be no legal recourse in the event of a problem.

People who buy medicines without the benefit of a consultation with an appropriate healthcare professional, risk being supplied with medicines that are not safe or not suitable for them to use.

If purchases are made over the internet, and as is often the case, sourced from outside the UK, patients have no legal or other recourse if the products are not effective or prove to be harmful.

You have no idea what is contained in the medicines so do not take the risk.

Our meat is supposed to be controlled to make sure that it meets certain standards.

They are tested frequently but still illeagal meat gets through.

JUst imagine what is in your medicines when it is coming from an uncontrolled source.

You have been WARNED.

The final decision is down to you.


Stephen Hart

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