Friday 26 April 2013

Safe Weight Loss.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to be talking about safe weight loss

The first thing you need to do before trying to lose weight is to have a look at what you are doing that has caused you to put on weight.

You need to look at whether you are eating healthy meals or whether you are relying on fast foods and junk foods.

Do you eat a lot of frozen or processed foods?

These are things that will affect your weight.

Next you have to look at your portion sizes.

Many people tend to eat way to much at one sitting.

If you have a tendency to snack during the day, make sure that they are healthy snacks.

Look at the time of the day when you eat.

Is it late at night while you sit and watch TV

Do you crave the need for something when you are driving

Knowing what your weak points are will help you plan for ways to alter your eating habits.

By having an idea about when and why you eat and snack will give you the best chance of losing weight safely.

Tomorrow I will be looking at planning your meals

Speak to you tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

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