Sunday 28 April 2013

Get In The Right Frame Of Mind For Weight Loss.

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to talk about your frame of mind.

 In order to be successful at anything you have to put your heart and soul into it.

You have most probably heard the expression "Their mind is not into it"

This means that although they are going through the motions, they are not really thinking about what they are doing.

In order to be successful at weight loss you have to put your mind into it. 

That means thinking about the things you are doing and not just go through the motions.

You have to think about the foods that you are eating.

Ask yourself things like:

Are they healthy for me?

How much fat is in what I am about to eat?

How many calories are in it?

Am I really hungry?

How much have I already eaten today.

It is by thinking of these sorts of things that you will be able to control your weight

As you get more accustomed to thinking like this you will slowly start eating healthier foods and be able to control your weight.

Speak to you tomorrow,

Stephen Hart

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