Friday 17 May 2013

A summary!!!

Hi Guys,

I hope you have had a great week.

Today I would like to go over what you have learned before you do your weekly shop.

Hopefully you have been making notes in your notepad.

Make sure that you take is shopping with you.

You will need it to check what you can and cannot eat.

You should have noted down in red and green ink what you can and cannot eat. 

This makes it easier to read.
 and move on.
When you are doing your shopping remember to check the labels.

See if it contains good or bad fats.

If it contains bad fats such as trans fats just put it back on the shelf and move on.

Every time you walk away from a bad fat product you will be improving what you are eating.

To begin with this may seem a bit of a pain to do, but in time you will learn what you can and cannot eat.

If you do want to do this in the shop, then wait until you get home.

Then check all the labels and make a note if the product is healthy or bad for you.

Make a note in your note pad whether they are good or bad.

In time you will get to know what you can and cannot eat.


Speak to you tomorrow,


Stephen Hart

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