Tuesday 28 May 2013

Let Us Look At Some More Core Exercises.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to look at some more exercises you can do for your core.


 Today it is the turn of the side plank.

Let us have a look at how it is performed.

  • Lie on your left side with your left forearm on the floor perpendicular to your body and your right hand resting on your side. 
  • Stack your legs and hips and pull your bellybutton in towards your spine. 
  • Raise your body up by straightening and lengthening the waist so that you are balanced on your left forearm and the bottom of your left foot. 
  • Hold that position for a slow count of 10. 
  • Repeat to the other side.

 As you get stronger, you can hold the position longer. 

I have provided a video of how to do this exercise with a few variations you can try.

Speak to you again tomorrow.


Stephen Hart

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