Friday 3 May 2013

Why Don't You Workout?

Hi Guys,

Today I am doing a bit of research to enable me help you in the future with posts that you will find more helpful.

I have noticed from people who read my posts that they are interested in getting fit and improving their health that they read posts about improving their health with out doing any real exercise.

Why is this?

Do you not have the time?

Are your days already very busy?

Do you feel self conscious about exercising?

Do you not know what exercises to do?

Would you prefer to read articles telling you about exercises you can do at home?

Are you worried that exercises may make you too big? 

If you can give me some feedback then I will be in a better position to help you.

I have been looking after my weight for over 30 years now.

I go to the gym three times a week and I train many people who are having problems with their weight.

Let me know what sort of articles you would like to read so that I can make my blog more helpful for you.

The world is facing an obesity problem and I would like to help you.

Please leave your comments in the box below and I will see what I can do to help you.


Stephen Hart

Visit my Health and Fitness Website Here

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