Sunday 19 May 2013

Time To Have A Look At Exercise.

Hi Guys,

I know you will not like this but now it is time to look at exercise.

 Exercising does not necessarily mean going to the gym.

 You can get exercise from doing simple things such as taking your dog for a walk.

 Even going shopping is exercise.

That must be good news for the shopaholics out there.

Exercise is basically anything you do with your body.

It is better the higher you raise your heart rate.

You do not have to get to the stage that you are gasping for breath.

Just make sure that you are breathing heavier than when you are just sitting down doing nothing.

This week we will be looking at things you can do to increase your breathing and heart rate.

There will be no need to buy any equipment clothes.

So unfortunately for you you will have no excuse not to do any exercise.

If you are not interested in getting fit then I am afraid I cannot help you.

If you are then come back tomorrow and see more.


Stephen Hart

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