Saturday 18 May 2013

Next Weeks Posts

Hi Guys,

Hopefully by now you are learning what you can and cannot eat to stay healthy.

Following these steps will greatly improve your health but what about your fitness?

Next week I will be looking at some of the things to help improve your fitness.

This is an area that most people neglect. 

They always say that they do not have to exercise.

That is no excuse.

You do not have to join a gym tom exercise.

There are hundreds of other ways to get fit.

I am not talking about how you can fit in a 2 mile run or something like that.

I know you will just say that you do not have the time.

I have heard virtually every excuse in the book.

Excuses are just a way of saying that you are lazy and do not want to do it. 

If that is you then fine.

You can just carry on being unfit and damaging your health.

You may not worry about it now but you will as you get older.

Do not try blaming it on the Government, it is your responsibility to look after you health.

You are the one who decides what you eat and how much exercise you do.

Chances are you would complain if the Government put you on an enforced exercise program.

Next week I will be telling you about exercises you can do that do not get in the way of your everyday life.


Stephen Hart
Busy Woman Weight Loss Solution

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