Thursday 23 May 2013

More About Home Exercises

Hi Guys,

Today is the last day of your simple home exercises.

Next week will require a bit more effort.

Exercising is easy but it does take a bit of concentration at first. 

When you first try a new exercise you have to make sure you are doing it correctly.

Once you have learned the technique it will become second nature, but you have to master it first. 

It is just like learning to walk.

At first it seemed difficult but now you can do it without thinking about it.

Let us look at some other home exercises you can do.

Do simple things like making the bed.

That requires all sorts of muscles to work together.

It works the arms and legs as well as the core

Generally people have a weak core because they are sitting around for long periods of time.

Next week we will be looking at some core exercises.

These will strengthen your core, make your posture better and have a slimming effect on your body.

Having a strong core also helps your digestive system.

I will be back after to bank holiday weekend, so make sure you are ready.


Stephen Hart

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