Wednesday 8 May 2013

Get Prepared To Lose Weight.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to start looking at your weight loss program. 

To begin with you will have to make a list of what you eat each day for a week.

I hear you saying  "You have got to be kidding" 

Let me explain why I want you to do this. 

Most people put on weight because they do not always remember what they have eaten during the day. 

It becomes a routine and they do not really pay attention to what they are doing.

It is like driving to work.

Sometimes you do not remember the journey.

By writing things down you are more likely to remember what you have eaten.

Keeping records is the best way to monitor things and be able to make changes.

I also work as an internet marketer and by keeping records of what I have done and any changes I have made gives me the opportunity to look back and see what has worked and what has not.

It is just a question of having a note pad handy to write things down.

Believe me, you will need to refer to this note pad in the future so do not skip out on doing this.

You will then have a written record of what works and what does not.

This is the key to losing weight.

You can use this as a sort of map to guide you through your weight loss.

Do not rely on your memory.

Writing this down also makes you aware of the fact that you are trying to lose weight.

Everyone is busy and you WILL FORGET THINGS.

Tomorrow I will look at things you should be writing down and how this can help you lose weight.


Stephen Hart


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