Sunday 31 March 2013

How To Look Slimmer Without Going To The Gym.

Hi Guys,

I know most of you want to look slimmer.

I also know that a lot of you do not have the time or simply do not want to exercise.

Today I am therefore going to talk a bit about looking slimmer without going to the gym!!! 

The first secret is to stand up tall.

This can help decrease the appearance of fat around your middle.

This is especially effective if you have a small bust.

Wear proper fitting underwear.

This prevent the appearance of folds under your clothes.

Wear long fitting shirts.

These are effective because they seem to stretch out your torso. 

Avoid bright colors because these make you instantly look bigger

Match your shoes to your build.

If you are short then a pair of platform clogs or shoes can give you more height and so look slimmer.

Wear you hair and makeup in a flattering way to distract peoples attention from your body shape.

Do not get involved in conversations about your weight, it only draws attention to your body as they check you out in a conversation.

Wear clothes that are the right size for you.

Do not try and squeeze into a size that is too sizes too small.

It only draws attention to your weight.

Avoid wrapped shirts,  they only make your waist look larger than it actually is.

Try and draw emphasis to the smaller parts of you and disguise the larger parts.

I hope you found the above techniques useful.

Why not give some of them a try today.

Let me know how you got on by leaving a comment below.


Stephen Hart

How To Lose Weight On Your Bottom.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk about losing weight from your bottom.

 With summer coming, chances are you want to lose some weight from your bottom.

Women naturally store fat in this area.

It is the biology of a woman.

Evolution has got a woman prepared for child birth by storing the fat here. 

The big question is

Can You Spot Reduce The Size Of Your Butt?

 The answer is yes and no.

Yes you can lose weight from your butt, but not without making some changes in your lifestyle.

To begin with you will have to change your diet.

What changes do you have to make to your diet?

You will  have to make the following changes if you are not already doing this:

  •  Eat 5 or More Servings of Fruits and Vegetables
  •  Eat Fat in Moderation
  •  Reduce Calorie Intake

 Next you will have to do some exercise.

You will have to do the following exercises:

  • Perform Cardiovascular Exercise to Burn Fat
  •  Perform Butt and Leg Toning Exercises

     It is not possible to lose weight from your butt without making these changes.

    The changes to your diet will mean that you are eating more healthy foods which do not store fat on your body.

    Doing the exercises will mean that you will be firming and toning your butt.

    Plus doing exercises will help you to burn more calories and therefore lose more fat. 

    I know that I have spoken about this in previous articles, but I just wanted to make sure that you have learnt these points. 

    Have a great day.

    Stephen Hart 


Friday 29 March 2013

Stopping Weight Gain In Children.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to be talking about stopping weight gain in children.

How do you stop your child gaining weight?

Do not worry about fancy diets.

Instead try and stick to the basics

Don't worry about counting calories and carbohydrates and fat grams.

Encourage them to eat healthy meals and snacks

Make sure that they are not highly processed and do not contain empty calories that provide no nutritional content.

If your child is already overweight, you will likely have to make some changes to his diet but this isn't as hard as you think. 

It doesn't have to involve counting every calorie that he eats and drinks, which can be especially hard when your kids are eating at school.

 Just keep an eye on their weight every week.

Tell them that you have to do it for their doctor to make sure they are growing up properly.

 If you see their weight increasing faster than it should then you will have to make some changes.

A pound of extra fat is the equivalent of 3500 calories.

In order to help them lose a pound a week you will have to try and cut their calorie intake by 3500 a week.

You can do this long term and see how much weight they are gaining over a year and if it is excessive, you could change to things like non-fat milk, diet soda or a more healthy after school snack.

If your child is still putting on weight then you could try cutting out carbonated drinks completely.

Carbonated drinks tend to be high in sugar and are generally considered to be bad for your child.

Try and ween them off these.

Obviously, you know what your child is eating so it is down to you to look carefully at the things they are eating and make changes to their diet if they are putting on weight.

Check the food labels for ingredients and calories and cut out anything which is full of fat or sugar.

Ultimately it is YOU that is responsible for your child's health so do not let them down.


Stephen Hart


Thursday 28 March 2013

Get Your Kid More Active To Improve Their Health.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk about ways to get your kids active.

Keeping your kids active means more than them just going to the kitchen to get the cookie jar. 

 You have to make sure that they are doing something for at least 30 minutes that will raises their heart rate and get them breathing a bit more heavily.

Now kids these days seem to have forgotten how to have fun away from the television or their computer. 

Chances are, when you were a kid you used to play outside and make up your own games that involved a lot of running around, climbing trees or playing ball games

 There are so many games that they could play.

Obviously in this day and age you would not want them playing outside unsupervised

Why not speak to  other parents and arrange a schedule where you take it in turn to supervise the kids.

You will find that once they have been playing outside for a while, they will be easier to control when they get home

If you can get a group of four parents then you would only have to give up your time once a month to supervise them. 

Speak to the other parents and see what they think?

You could have competitions to see who can come up with the best game to play.

The main thing is to make sure that the children get some exercise to improve their fitness.

You could club together and buy some toys.

You might remember the old space hoppers.

There is a picture of them at the start of this post.

They  are a great way to build up children's energy.

They are fun to play on so the child does not realize that they are exercising.
You could also find games that you could play with them so you get some exercise as well.

If you want a book about outdoor games for kids then click on the link below:

or this is a web site with lots of games for kids.

I hope you will try and encourage your kids to go out and play for their own health.

I will speak to you tomorrow. 

Stephen Hart


Wednesday 27 March 2013

Healthy Lifestyles For Your Kids

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk to you about healthy lifestyles for your kids and making sure they are following them.

The first  we need to look at is "What is healthy?"

 If you do not know what is healthy then how can you achieve it?

Good health is about striking a balance between healthy eating and getting regular physical activity.

It begins with knowing what is a healthy weight for you and your children and what is healthy to eat.

By having a healthy lifestyle it will mean that you will be able to build strong bones, develop healthily, improve your child's concentration at school and maintain a healthy weight.

If you fail to do this, your child could develop type 2 diabetes, suffer from high blood pressure and cholesterol and heart problems,  joint and breathing problems.

That obviously is not good news for your children.

To ensure that your children remain fit and healthy they should learn to be more active each day.

Chances are your children will not want to active.

They would most probably prefer to play video games or be on the computer.

As a parent you need to get them away from these things.

You also need to make sure that they do not snack.

Try and make sure that they eat a well balanced meal at least three times a day.

That means not giving them quick meals like take aways.

Obviously this means a bit of effort on your part, but by preparing healthy, nutritious foods, you will be improving your own diet as well.

By feeding your children healthy and nutritious foods, they will feel full for longer and will not snack as much.

If they must snack, try and get them to have nutritious foods such as fruit.

These will fill them up for longer.

The more nutritious foods they eat the  better.

After a while they might even start to ask for nutritious foods.



Just start them off slowly with nutritious food and start to increase it as they get more used to it.

Tomorrow I will be looking at how to get your children more active.

Have a great day.

Stephen Hart


Keep An Eye On Your Children's Weight.

 Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a bit more about weight gain in children.

Weight gain is a problem in the western world.

Most people seem to be putting on weight.

Even more concerning is the fact that one in four school age children are mildly over weight or obese.

Children's weight gain starts with the family and their way of life. 

Your family influences your children's waistline.

You should be aiming to get your family into a healthier lifestyle.

 A healthier lifestyle will mean the best chance for your child not to put on weight.

Paying attention to what and how children eat is the first step towards parents and carers being able manage their children's weight.

It is in the early years that children tend to pick up habits that will follow them into adulthood.

If they lead a healthy lifestyle then chances are they will grow up more healthy.

If however they lead a lifestyle that is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle then they will most likely develop a weight problem later on in life.

A lot of the calories that children eat are wasted calories

These tend to be calories in high-energy foods like chips, sweets and sweet drinks, and should only be eaten as treats.

They not produce and nutritional benefits such as vitamins or minerals

They are usually laced with lots of sugar.

Children generally follow after their parents.

They will do the things that their parents do.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle then chances are your children will to.

Tomorrow I will be looking at things that YOU can do to encourage your child to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Have a healthy day,

Stephen Hart


Monday 25 March 2013

Weight Loss For Kids.

Hi Guys

Today I am going to change the topic slightly and instead of looking at weight loss for you,  I am going to be talking a bit about weight loss for kids.

If your child needs to lose weight, you will have to ignore the popular diet programs because they are aim primarily at adults.

Although you might be inclined to put your child on a diet, experts generally say that's not the best approach.

To help an overweight child, you can begin with small changes to your family's diet and lifestyle to make it healthier for everyone.  

Start by choosing one or two steps and working your way gradually into a healthier lifestyle.

It is also a good idea to talk to your doctor to get advice.

You should be doing this anyway if your child is over weight.

If you child is still growing then aim to just maintain their weight.

Putting your child on a weight loss program could stunt their growth.

Again, it is worth talking to a trained weight loss professional or your doctor about this.

Try and make weight loss for your child fun.

If it is not fun, then chances are they will not go along with it.

Try and make sure you eat all your meals at the dinner table and not on their laps whilst watching television.

Children who eat whilst watching television tend to be more overweight because they are not paying attention to how much they are eating and when they feel full.

Track how many servings of vegetables and fruits your overweight child eats. 

Your ultimate goal should be your child eating five or more servings a day.
Eliminate sugared beverages such as soda, sports drinks, and fruit punch.

It may take time to get out of the habit of having sugary drinks every day. 

If they normally drink four sugary drinks a day, try switching to three a day for a week. 

Then cut back to two drinks a day the next week, and so on

 Make sure your child eats breakfast every day.

If time is an issue, choose items to eat on the run, such as peanut butter on toast.

 Increase your child's daily physical activity.

Gradually build up to the goal of having your child be physically active for at least one hour a day. 

Look for little ways throughout the day to get him moving, such as doing squats or knee raises while brushing his teeth or doing jumping jacks during commercials while watching a morning cartoon.

I hope this helps your child to keep control of their weight.

Talk to you again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

Sunday 24 March 2013

Summer Weight Loss - Keeping Your Energy Levels High.


Today I am going to speak a bit about how to keep your energy levels up during dieting.

 I have listed below some of the important ways to help maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

  •  Make sure that you are eating enough food to maintain your basal metabolic rate.  (B.M.R.)  Reduce your calories just enough so that you put yourself in calorie deficit but not so much that you start storing fat.
  • Your metabolism and energy levels will be at their best when you give yourself nourishment throughout the day.  Make sure that you eat breakfast no matter how you feel.  This is the most important meal of the day to give you energy.
  • Eat something healthy every 3 hours or so for a total of 5-6 times a day. If you have the time and desire to figure it out, mini-meals each time you eat might be the best choice for you.  Only eat between 300 - 500 calories at each meal to give you constant energy throughout the day.
  • Contrary to how most people eat,  you should eat your biggest meal earlier in the day.  This will mean it will be digested when you are active.  Eating big meals in the evening will mean it will be digested when you go to bed and will subsequently be stored as fat because you have no need for energy.
  • Make sure you keep hydratedYour body needs water to keep your metabolism and physiological processes running smoothly. Dehydration can result in low energy or even fatigue.  Do not drink carbonated drinks or fruit juice which contain large amount of sugar.
  • In addition to water, your body needs a variety of nutrients in a well-orchestrated balance to keep your energy levels up.This happens in part because a proper balance of nutrients are needed to keep your hormones in balance. Your hormones in turn influence your metabolism. For the greatest success, you will want to get your nutrients from whole, healthy foods NOT supplements or highly processed foods.
  • Exercise or engage in some kind of daily physical activity. Making time for exercise can give you energy AND time rather than take time away. How? By keeping your energy levels up and helping you to be fully awake and efficient for more hours each day.
  • Finally make sure that you get plenty of rest.  You should be aiming for 8 hours of sleep a night.

Follow these rules to keep your energy levels high.

Have a great day.

Stephen Hart

Summer Weight Loss - Are You Losing Weight?

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to be looking at your weight loss and are you losing weight?

 Many people feel as if they are not losing weight as quickly as they hoped.

They think they must be doing something wrong.

Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you are taking in.

When you body consumes less calories than it needs it is forced to burn something to use a energy.

In order to lose one pound of fat you have to burn off an extra 3500 calories.

Now when you think that the average woman only needs around 1800 calories that would mean that they would have to not eat anything at all for two days.

As mentioned in previous blogs, you cannot starve yourself to lose fat.

Your body would try and burn off anything it could in order to keep your body functioning.

The most common reason why weight loss seems to be going slower than people expect is that their calorie deficit is not as large as they think it is. 

Either they're not burning as many calories as they think they are, or they're eating more than they think they are, or a combination of both.

You have to be realistic in your weight loss

You might be losing weight, but it may be such a small amount that it does not show by weighing yourself.

As stated above in order to lose one pound of fat you have to reduce your calories by 3500.
You do not necessarily have to go for rapid weight loss.

Try and lose weight at a gradual pace by changing your eating habits so that you can slowly lose weight.

You will find this easier to do.

The easier it is to do, the more likely you are to continue with it.

In summary, if you lose weight slowly, it will be easier to carry on with it.

The problem is that some people may not think that they are losing weight.

That is because chances are the weight loss may not be apparent from day to day.

That is why you should only weigh yourself a maximum of one a week.

Do not try and lose the weight too quickly.

Stick with a slow weight loss and it WILL work.

I will be back again tomorrow with some more tips about weight loss.

Kind regards,

Stephen Hart

Friday 22 March 2013

Summer Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight From Your Bottom.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a bit about your bottom.

 Most women want a nice bottom.

It shows that you keep yourself fit and healthy.

 The big problem though is that it can be one of the most difficult areas to lose fat from.

That was the first bit of bad news.

The second bit of bad news is that to reduce the size of your bottom requires you to control your diet and do some exercise. 

There are so many claims on the internet.

Things like " Get A Great Bottom In Only Two Weeks "

People see these headlines and sign up to the program or buy the e-book.
What they do not make obvious is that in order to get a great bottom is that you will have to either diet or exercise.

I am sure that if I had called this post "get a great bottom doing lots of exercise and cutting out all the foods you enjoy"  not as many people would have looked at it.

The people advertising these programs or ebooks know what makes people click on the adverts.

They know that people are desperate to improve their appearance, so they use every trick they can to get you to click on them.

Chances are though, when you have a closer look, it will involve either diet or exercise.

Take a look at weight loss programs advertised on the television.

They make a big statement about how their program will help you lose weight.

Have you every noticed the bit in small print at the end of the advert that says 

These results were obtained by following a calorie controlled diet?

Chances are you might have missed this.

That is what the advertisers are relying on.

By law they have to make this statement,  but it does not say anything about how obvious the statement has to be.

Have you noticed at the end of the adverts there is always something about the restrictions of the product but it is either in small print or a piece of quickly spoken narrative.

That is because they do not want you to take notice of the small print because it may put you off buying it.

Keep a look out for these things at the end of the advert.

They are relying on the fact that you get so overwhelmed by the apparent benefits of their product that your brain will switch of when the presentation has been made.

I am sorry to have to point his out to you but I just wanted to make sure that you do not waste your money on something until you have had a good look at it.

I will be back tomorrow with some more information about weight loss.


Stephen Hart

Thursday 21 March 2013

Summer Weight Loss - Staying Trim During The Summer.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to share a few tricks to make sure that you stay trim during the summer.

 In the summer time, the heat tends to dry your body out so you need more fluids.  

Don't be tempted to drink sweets teas, fruits juices or carbonated drinks.

These contain lots of calories and sugar which leads to weight gain.

Always read the label to see what is in it before you buy it.

Having a snooze during the day can actually stop you putting on weight.

Less sleep means less production of the hormone, leptin, which is a key helper in telling you when you're full and when you need to expend energy.

 Do a few body weight exercises when ever you have a spare five minutes.

When you get up from a chair you can push up with your triceps.

Do this ten times to help with your "bingo wings

While waiting in line for the bus or check-out counter, stand straight, inhale, and use your stomach muscles to pull your belly button back towards your spine. 

Hold this position for ten seconds and repeat as desired to help slim your torso on the go.

If you have to pick something off the floor use this time to do ten repetitions of squats.

All of these small amounts of exercise will lead to a more toned and shapely body.

If you are going to be out for the morning or afternoon, take some healthy snacks with you instead of buying something from the shop.

That way you can make sure that your snack is healthy and nutritious.

Remember, you need to give your body some nutrition at least every three hours.

Do not wait until you get home and have a binge out. 

The summer time is an excellent time of year to take a stroll though the woods or go for a paddle in the sea.

Do not just lay on the beach all day.

If you have got your children with you then play an active game with them.

These games will help you to burn up the calories.

This is a great time for all the family to get active.

You will be making yourself and your family fitter.

Just use your imagination and think of ways that you can get yourself moving.

The summers are normally quite short so use the time to make the most of the sun and get outside.

Remember to always use sun cream when you are out in the sun.

I will see you again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart