Tuesday 19 March 2013

Summer Weight Loss - Testosterone

Hi Guys,

Today is the last day of looking at hormones and weight loss and today it is testosterone.


 Testosterone is referred to as the "Other Hormone," and it can add zest to menopause. 

Monthly surges of this androgen boost your well-being, sense of personal power and sex drive. 

Testosterone and weight loss in women are linked.

Although testosterone is the male sex hormone, it is vital for good health in women, too.

A decrease in testosterone levels in women can lead to a loss of muscle mass. 

Muscle mass burns more calories than fat and keeps the metabolism working well, so a decrease in muscle tissue could lead to additional weight gain.

So you can see why it is so important to do some exercise while you are trying to lose weight.

I know it is frustrating for women that they do not have the high levels of testosterone that men do.

That is one of the reasons that men can burn more weight than women.

It is in their genetic build up. 

The only way to try and keep  up with them in the weight loss stakes is to do more exercise.

Do not think that exercise will make you look like a man.

It is extremely difficult for a woman to build muscle to burn fat.  

Exercise does allow you to produce small amount of testosterone and every thing you can do to help you burn more fat is an advantage. 

As you lose weight and get fitter, you will find it easier to exercise and so produce more testosterone.

Do not under estimate the importance of this hormone.

Tomorrow I will get back on the subject of methods to lose weight,

Speak to you then.

Stephen Hart

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