Monday 11 March 2013

Be In Control Of Your Life To Give Yourself More Time To Lose Weight.

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to talk a bit about controlling your time.

 Many people these days seem to rush around all day being busy!!!

There is very little excuse for this

They say they are always late for something.

The kids need to get to school.

You need to get to work.

You need to do the shopping.

All these are just excuses for poor time management

You can make better use of your time by planning your next day the evening before

If you seemed to be late the previous day then get up earlier the next day

Giving yourself more time to do things will mean you are in a calmer frame of mind.

Try and get the kids to school five minutes before they need to be there. 

Get to your work meeting at least five minutes before they are due to start.

Nothing give a more unprofessional image of someone who is late

How many times has your boss been late to a meeting?

He is disrupting the days of people that can be bothered to be on time.

He is costing the company money by wasting his employees time while they are waiting for him to turn up.

This is what happens when you do not plan your day.

You end up not having the time to do the things you want to do.

Making sure that you have the time will mean you have more time to lose weight.

You will be in a more relaxed frame of mind

You will be able to concentrate on the task at hand instead of worrying about the time.

You will feel more in control.

You will be controlling your time, not the time controlling you.

Being in control gives you more time to control your actions.

It will give you more time to be able to control your weight.

It will help you to feel less stressed.

Control your time and you will be more in control of your life.

Just take the time to prepare the night before.

Speak to you tomorrow.


Stephen Hart

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