Friday 8 March 2013

How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight?

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to speak a bit about how long it takes to lose weight.

A lot of people these days think that they canmn drastically reduce their weight in a very short time.

People who believe in this still believe in fairies at the bottom of their garden.

You CANNOT lose weight quickly and still remain healthy. 

It takes time to lose the extra weight. 

Your body has to have time to burn off the extra calories. 

 If you could burn off loads of calories every time you exercised the world would be full of skinny people.

The truth is that even if you do add exercise to your weight loss program, you still would not lose weight very quickly.

Your body is programmed to get energy from food in order to survive.

You need around 1800 calories a day just to remain as you are.

1800 calories a day will most probably still leave you feeling hungry.

If you piled up 1800 calories on a plate and told someone that is all you can eat each day they would most probably be shocked at how little it is. 

Now think what you eat in a day?

Chances are you are eating more than you need.

Any excess calories are stored as fat

In order to lose a pound of fat you would have to  walk  - wait for it -  over 43 miles

You only burn about 80 calories a mile.  

If you put on a pound of fat each week then you have to walk an EXTRA 43 miles each week just to stay where you are.

Chances are you do not walk much more than a few miles a day, or 14 miles a week.

Also think about how many excess calories you eat each week.

Now can you see why you are putting on weight.

Unless you are a very active person than it can be almost impossible to lose weight.

Because it takes so long to lose weight, a lot of people do not bother trying.

You need to change your eating habits and exercise habits to have any chance of losing weight. 

Before that you that that extra donut, just think about all the extra effort it is going to take to lose the weight from that donut.

Think before you eat anything that is going to cause you to put on weight.

I hope this has given you cause to think before you eat to much.


Stephen Hart


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