Wednesday 6 March 2013

Are you prepared to put in the effort to lose weight?

Hi Guys,

Todays blog is going to ruffle some people's feathers.

Many people these days say they want to lose weight.

The problem is that they are not really comittted to losing the weight.

What do I mean by this?

Many people are in love with the IDEA of losing weight. 

The problem is that they do not understand how difficult it really is. 

It is not just a question of cutting out things for a few weeks.

You have to make a commitment.

You have to realise that it is not something that you can do on a whim

Before you decide to try and lose weight you have to plan

Remember the old saying:

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

You have to make changes to your eating habits before you start your weight loss.

You have to see where all the calories are coming from.

You have to have a plan to not eat or drink those foods.

You  will have to have a trial avoiding those foods.

You will have to see if you can cut out the alcohol.

You will have to have a plan to resist those naughty treats.

It is NOT going to be easy.

Most people cannot do this.

They just try out the diets but still eat and drink things they usually eat and drink.

That is why people are OVER WEIGHT

Do NOT waste your money on weight loss programs unless you are really commited.

All you will end up doing is throwing your money away.

This is harsh but it is the truth.

Make sure that you   are prepared to put up with all the sacrifices.

Speak to you again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

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