Wednesday 27 March 2013

Healthy Lifestyles For Your Kids

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk to you about healthy lifestyles for your kids and making sure they are following them.

The first  we need to look at is "What is healthy?"

 If you do not know what is healthy then how can you achieve it?

Good health is about striking a balance between healthy eating and getting regular physical activity.

It begins with knowing what is a healthy weight for you and your children and what is healthy to eat.

By having a healthy lifestyle it will mean that you will be able to build strong bones, develop healthily, improve your child's concentration at school and maintain a healthy weight.

If you fail to do this, your child could develop type 2 diabetes, suffer from high blood pressure and cholesterol and heart problems,  joint and breathing problems.

That obviously is not good news for your children.

To ensure that your children remain fit and healthy they should learn to be more active each day.

Chances are your children will not want to active.

They would most probably prefer to play video games or be on the computer.

As a parent you need to get them away from these things.

You also need to make sure that they do not snack.

Try and make sure that they eat a well balanced meal at least three times a day.

That means not giving them quick meals like take aways.

Obviously this means a bit of effort on your part, but by preparing healthy, nutritious foods, you will be improving your own diet as well.

By feeding your children healthy and nutritious foods, they will feel full for longer and will not snack as much.

If they must snack, try and get them to have nutritious foods such as fruit.

These will fill them up for longer.

The more nutritious foods they eat the  better.

After a while they might even start to ask for nutritious foods.



Just start them off slowly with nutritious food and start to increase it as they get more used to it.

Tomorrow I will be looking at how to get your children more active.

Have a great day.

Stephen Hart


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