Friday 22 March 2013

Summer Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight From Your Bottom.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a bit about your bottom.

 Most women want a nice bottom.

It shows that you keep yourself fit and healthy.

 The big problem though is that it can be one of the most difficult areas to lose fat from.

That was the first bit of bad news.

The second bit of bad news is that to reduce the size of your bottom requires you to control your diet and do some exercise. 

There are so many claims on the internet.

Things like " Get A Great Bottom In Only Two Weeks "

People see these headlines and sign up to the program or buy the e-book.
What they do not make obvious is that in order to get a great bottom is that you will have to either diet or exercise.

I am sure that if I had called this post "get a great bottom doing lots of exercise and cutting out all the foods you enjoy"  not as many people would have looked at it.

The people advertising these programs or ebooks know what makes people click on the adverts.

They know that people are desperate to improve their appearance, so they use every trick they can to get you to click on them.

Chances are though, when you have a closer look, it will involve either diet or exercise.

Take a look at weight loss programs advertised on the television.

They make a big statement about how their program will help you lose weight.

Have you every noticed the bit in small print at the end of the advert that says 

These results were obtained by following a calorie controlled diet?

Chances are you might have missed this.

That is what the advertisers are relying on.

By law they have to make this statement,  but it does not say anything about how obvious the statement has to be.

Have you noticed at the end of the adverts there is always something about the restrictions of the product but it is either in small print or a piece of quickly spoken narrative.

That is because they do not want you to take notice of the small print because it may put you off buying it.

Keep a look out for these things at the end of the advert.

They are relying on the fact that you get so overwhelmed by the apparent benefits of their product that your brain will switch of when the presentation has been made.

I am sorry to have to point his out to you but I just wanted to make sure that you do not waste your money on something until you have had a good look at it.

I will be back tomorrow with some more information about weight loss.


Stephen Hart

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