Wednesday 27 March 2013

Keep An Eye On Your Children's Weight.

 Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a bit more about weight gain in children.

Weight gain is a problem in the western world.

Most people seem to be putting on weight.

Even more concerning is the fact that one in four school age children are mildly over weight or obese.

Children's weight gain starts with the family and their way of life. 

Your family influences your children's waistline.

You should be aiming to get your family into a healthier lifestyle.

 A healthier lifestyle will mean the best chance for your child not to put on weight.

Paying attention to what and how children eat is the first step towards parents and carers being able manage their children's weight.

It is in the early years that children tend to pick up habits that will follow them into adulthood.

If they lead a healthy lifestyle then chances are they will grow up more healthy.

If however they lead a lifestyle that is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle then they will most likely develop a weight problem later on in life.

A lot of the calories that children eat are wasted calories

These tend to be calories in high-energy foods like chips, sweets and sweet drinks, and should only be eaten as treats.

They not produce and nutritional benefits such as vitamins or minerals

They are usually laced with lots of sugar.

Children generally follow after their parents.

They will do the things that their parents do.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle then chances are your children will to.

Tomorrow I will be looking at things that YOU can do to encourage your child to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Have a healthy day,

Stephen Hart


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