Monday 4 March 2013

How Much Weight Should Women Use To Lose Weight?

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to speak about how much weight a woman should use in exercises to lose weight.

When it comes to lifting weights to lose weight a lot of women seem to get a bit confused.

The weights you lift determine the length of time that you can lift the weight.

Lets have a quick look at this an see what different weight can do for your body.

Heavy weights

The heavier the weight that you lift, the more muscle you will most probably put on.

 Muscle helps you body to burn fat.

You therefore you want to put on muscle.

It is your bodies fat burning furnace.

Most women however either cannot or do not want to put on lots of muscle.

So how can you only put on small amounts of muscle?

The answer is to lift lighter weighs and doing more repetitions.

How many repetitions should you be doing?

If you lift a weight that allows you to do about 15 repetitions then you will put on a small amount of muscle but not very much so that you look bulky and muscular.

This is generally the sort of range that most women that lift weight seem to go for. 

As you lift weight your heartbeat and breathing will increase.

This in turn will help you to burn fat.

The amount of fat that you will burn will increase with the length of time that you exercise.

Try and make sure therefore that you exercise for at lest 30 minutes.

If you want to increase the amount of weight that you burn off then increase with the number of times that you exercise each week.

The more times that you exercise,  the stronger your heart and lungs become which will improve your fitness.

Using lighter weights enable you to lift for longer during the exercise

A cautionary note.

Lifting weights is only a very small part of losing weight.

You still also have to make sure sure that you limit the amount of food that you ingest.

Lifting weight alone, no longer matter how long you do it for, will not mean that you will lose considerable amounts of weight.

Stephen Hart


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