Monday 31 December 2012

You Have The Tools Now Go Out And Make Money!!!

Hi Guys,

Today I just want to run over what we have already learned.

I have shown you how to set up a squeeze page to get new prospects to sign up.

I have told you what you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT have in your squeeze page.

I have shown you how to set up your Thank You Page.

I have shown you how to set up your download page.

These are the main items you need to run your own business.

Now you are in a position to start making money for yourself. 

To help you get started even quicker I have a great program to make things easier for you.

It is called optimize press.

You can have a look at it here.

You may be asking yourself if there is a quicker way of doing it why did you show me how to set up the three pages?

Well the reason for that is so you know exactly how the system works.

If you have a problem with any of the pages you will know exactly how they were set up and so you can go back and see where the errors are.

It is important to understand how the engine works so you can diagnose it for errors.

A lot of people believe that 13 is an unlucky number and so believe that 2013 will be an unlucky year.

Now you know how your business engine works, go out and prove them wrong.

I hope you found this article useful.

If you have any questions then just post them in the box at the bottom of this page.

Have a profitable day,

Stephen Hart 

 How to really create an online business.....explained from A to Z
..... and get FREE web hosting (worth $9.95/month)

How To Get Started In A Home Based Business.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to  talk a bit about how to get started in a home based business.

When I talk about a home based business I am not talking about running someone else's business from your home.

I am talking about running your own business owned by YOU.

When you start your own home based business it is always best to start small.

At the start there is so much to learn.

You need to set up your business, find prospects, get them to visit your site, generate traffic and get a dialogue going with them so they will trust you.

It takes time to learn these skills and you should never stop learning.

Initially you will spend most of you time finding out how things work such as how to drive traffic to your site.

You could start your home based business as an affiliate to get you started so you do not have to learn about how to set up a squeeze page.

 You can do research into this when you have got some money coming in.

Being an affiliate also means you do not have to do research into finding a FREE gift.

That is all done for you.

If you find that the niche you are in is not for you then you can always find a new niche and you will not have wasted time setting up squeeze pages and the like.

When you have found a niche that you are comfortable with then it may be time to start selling your own products.

The disadvantage of being an affiliate is that you only get a share of the profits, where as if you own the business and do everything yourself you keep all the profits.

So as you can see, there are several routes you can follow to make money from a home based business.

It is just up to you to decide which route you want to take.

I hope this has given you a few ideas into which route you want to take to run your own business.

I will speak to to tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

Do you want a membership site with recurring incomes?

Saturday 29 December 2012

What Is The Difference Between A Prospect And A Customer?

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk a little bit about the difference between a prospect and a customer.

This is something that confuses a lot of people.

They do not really understand the difference between the two.

Consider your offer as a shop.

When they have signed up to your list they have walked through the door to your shop.

They are looking around your shop seeing what it has to offer.

The thing to remember here is that they are just looking.

They do not become a customer until they buy something and are waiting at the till ready to hand over their money.

Do not make the mistake of thinking a prospect is a customer.

They are only potential customers.

So you are most probably thinking about making them an offer.

This is where you can drive your prospects away.

Have you ever been in a shop and as soon as you walk through the door the sales assistants come up to you and start trying to sell you something?

You know how annoying that can be and if it happens too often they just turn around and leave the shop without buying anything.

You have just driven a prospective customer away without them buying anything.

So how do you make a sell?

The key here is to offer the prospect some advice.

You should leave it up to the customer to decide if they want to buy something.

You should be available to offer the customer so assistance.

You most probably know the feeling.

If you have assistants on hand for help if you need it you are more likely to go back to that shop.

You will know that you can get answers to any questions you might have.

That is what makes a shopping trip pleasurable.

Give the prospect time to decide if they want to buy something from you.

In time they might buy something from you and become a customer.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that once they are in your shop you can lock them in and make sales pitches.

They have to decide for themselves.

All you can do is be there to help them if they need it.

I hope this has cleared up the difference between a prospect and a customer.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

Best way to make money online.

Friday 28 December 2012

Is Your Engine Running Well?

Hi Guys,

Today I want to speak to you a bit about your engine.

No I have not lost my marbles, I mean the internet marketing engine.

This is where you have got them to your squeeze page, they have signed up and then you send them a FREE gift.

This process is the engine of your internet business that drives people to your FREE gift and in return you get their e-mail address.

So lets us go through the basic process of setting up your engine.


Firstly you need to set up a squeeze page.

This is the page where you make the offer to the readers. 

It is basically the big chunk of metal that forms your engine.

To make your engine run it needs fuel.

The fuel for your engine is the FREE gift

This is what make people sign up to your squeeze page.

When they sign up for your FREE gift you need to grab their e-mail address.

You do this by using an auto-responder such as aweber.

When you have got their e-mail address you send them a thank-you e-mail.

Your thank-you email contains a link where they can download their FREE gift.

From here you can then send out follow up e-mails to make yourself some money.

So lets just summarize the components of your engine.

1) Your squeeze page to get the to sign up.
2) Your auto-responder to get their e-mail.
3) Your thank-you e-mail.
4) Your download page to get their FREE gift.

If you have got these parts in place you are well on your way to running a successful business.

I hope you found this explanation of what you need to run a successful business was helpful.

I will speak to you tomorrow.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

 You can send one email and get cash practically on demand

Thursday 27 December 2012

Are You Going Forwards Or Backwards?

Hi Guys,

2012 is nearly over.

For many people that will be a relief.

What you need to do at this time of year is to make plans for next year.

For a lot of people they will be thinking of how to make some extra money in these tough economic times.

If you are comfortably off such as the bankers, there is no need to worry.

For the rest it can be scary thinking of how you are going to survive financially.

A lot of people turn to internet marketing.

This is not as easy as putting something online and watching the money roll in.

It does involve a lot of work, especially at the initial stage.

You have to be prepared to put in the extra time and effort to make money online

Now you can struggle and try and learn everything for yourself.

Or you can get advice from people who are already a success at making money online.

I initially tried to do it by myself.

Like many people I found this was not as easy as it first seemed.

I took the decision to learn from someone who is successful. 

It gave me all the information I was after in an easy to follow method.

Nothing annoys me more than coming across a program that says you can make money for only $30 a month and then find there are other expenses involved in order to make money.

I am sure you have all come across this problem.

In order to be totally upfront with you so you do find any nasty surprises I am going to tell you about the hidden costs.

In order to set up your own successful internet marketing business here is what you will need.

  1. A domain name for your business which costs around $10 a year.
  2. A hosting company which costs around $15 a month.
  3. An auto-responder so that you can build a list of people that you can sell to which costs about $15 a month.
 That means about $30 a month plus the $10 a year for your domain name.

If you feel you can afford $30 a month, which is about the cost of 5 packets of cigarettes a month then this could be for you.

One of the best programs that I have found for learning how to set up this program is the one below.

Set Up Your Own Internet Business.

If you want to run your own business and can afford to do it, I highly recommend this program.

Until tomorrow,

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Christmas is over for another year.

Hi Guys,

I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas.

Now is the time of year when most people are thinking about New Years resolutions.

An internet marketer should always to make their resolution to make more money this year than last year.

Remember, it is YOUR business.

You are responsible to make sure it is successful.

If things are not going well, you could end up losing money and end up broke.

Take a good look at your business.

Assess what is making you money and what is not.

If things are not making you money you may be better off getting rid of that method of making yourself money and find something new.

Online marketing is all about making money online.

It is also about keeping up with the market.

You need to be aware of new trends in the market and make sure that you are up to date with all the latest techniques.

Yes this does involve making changes to your web site, but just look in any high street, all the shops are changing their shop windows to keep up with new ideas.

Your web site is like a shop window.

It is what attracts people to it.

Make sure that your web site is as attractive and interesting as possible.

That way you will get more interest and hopefully more sales.

I will speak to you again tomorrow.

Have a profitable day,

Kind regards,

Stephen Hart 

Sunday 23 December 2012

The Purpose Of A Squeeze Page

Hi Guys

As promised yesterday,  today I am going to have a look at a squeeze page.

Let us first look at an example of a squeeze page.

The above picture is a squeeze page template.

So what is the purpose of a squeeze page?
A squeeze page has one purpose and one purpose only.

That is to get the persons e-mail address.

So how do you get their e-mail address?

You offer them something of value that they need.

Make sure there is nothing on the page to distract the person attention.

Do NOT try and sell on your squeeze page.

You can do that when they have given you their e-mail address.

On your squeeze page you should have the form where they give you their e-mail address.

You should put some information why they need your FREE gift.

Everything you put on your squeeze page should encourage the person to give your their e-mail address.

You have to highlight the call to action.

By this I mean tell them exactly where to put their e-mail address.
You can put arrows on your squeeze page pointing to your form. 

That is it.

You do not need anything else for your squeeze page.

It needs to be a simple as possible and does not cause any confusion.

The only other thing you might want to put on  the squeeze page is an image of the gift they will receive if they give you their e-mail address.

Remember "KISS" or Keep It Simple Stupid.

Squeeze page do not rank highly on search engines FACT.

So do not spend time finding popular keywords.

Instead put the address of your squeeze page in your e-mail or forum signatures.

Well that covers what a squeeze page should look like.
Here is an example of one of my squeeze pages

I hope you found this blog of interest.

If you did, why not send it to your friends.

It might help them out.

Well that is it until after Christmas.

I hope you have a profitable and enjoyable Christmas.

Kind Regards,

Stephen Hart

Friday 21 December 2012

Choosing The Correct Niche.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk about something I have spoken about in the past.

"Choosing The Correct Niche."

A lot of people tend to get this WRONG!!!

They find a product to sell and then they try and find a niche where they can sell it.

All I can say is

"Wrong, Wrong, Wrong"
You must find your niche first.
This can take a bit of time.
You need to find a niche that is profitable. 
That means a niche where people are looking for answers to questions.
It also means a niche where people are not just looking, they are also buying.  
When you have found a niche where people are looking for answers, you first have to find out what questions they are asking.
Next you have to find a solution to the questions they are asking.
Again, this can take a bit of time and research on your part.
You need to find something of value to them.
Now I am not talking about monetary value. 
It is something that they cannot do without but does not cost YOU much except time and effort. 
Nothing is better than finding answers to questions you are asking.
If you have the solution to a question people are asking in your niche then chances are the person will let you have their e-mail address in exchange for the solution.
This is the key to building a list of email addresses that you can later make offers to and get an icome from.
I will explain the tips and tricks of how you can make money in the next blog.

If you find the information in these blogs useful, can you please forward to them to other people who may find them to be of interest.
See you tomorrow.
Have a profitable day,
Stephen Hart  


Thursday 20 December 2012

Organising Your Web Site

Hi Guys,

Today I want to say a little bit about organising your website. 

There is nothing worse when designing or publishing a web site than not being able to find the things you need.

To overcome this problem you need to organise where you store your information on your computer.

I do it in the following manner.

I have set up a folder called web projects.

In this folder I have more folders, one for every web site I have.

Within these folders I keep all the information relevant to that web site in there own folder..

I will have a folder with the actual web site so if I need to change anything on the web site I know where to find the actual web site to make changes.

I have a folder called images where I keep every image I have used on that web site.

I also have a text folder where I keep things such as web site url's, log in details.

Organising your information in this way means that you know exactly where to find the information about your web sites.

It is also a good way of backing up all this information.

You only have to make a backup of one folder which has all the information about your web sites once.

When you back up this folder it copies everything within it, which includes all the information in your sub-folders about your web sites.

I hope you have found this information useful.

If you have any questions then just leave a comment in the box at the end of this post.

Kind regards,

Stephen Hart

Get Your Own Niche With Ebay

Wednesday 19 December 2012

A Day Of Rest!!

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to give you a bit of a rest from learning new things and taxing your brain.

Learning new techniques and practices can be difficult and you have to make sure that you have fully learned the technique.

Once you have fully mastered a new technique you have to find the best ways of using it.

My advice here is "Do Not Follow The Flock"

If you want to stand out from the crowd you need to find a unique way of learning what you have learnt.

You need to arouse interest.

You need to get people talking about how interesting your site is.

In order to this you need to think outside the box.

You want people to say to their friend's

"  Hey have you seen Bill Blogs site?  It is really different.  There are so many things done with a twist.  Why don't you go and have a look."

Doing this will mean you get more visits to your web siteand if you keep updating your site you will get more returning customers.

Remember, it is the returning customers that can make you the most money.

Go and think about how you can use the new skills you have learned to improve your site.

Do not get stuck in the same rut as everyone else.

If you are a small business you need to put in a lot of effort to get your site noticed.

See what you can do today.

Stephen Hart

Do you want to know how to make recurring incomes from membership site?

Tuesday 18 December 2012

How To Make An Image Clickable.

Hi Guys,

Today's blog is about making your web site more interesting by making images clickable.

Now I am assuming you have a hosting account.

The first thing you need to do is to find an image that you want to make clickable.

Next you need to insert the image onto your web page remembering firstly so save the image to your computer.

 If your image is going to be on a web page the next thing you need to to is upload it to the internet.

You can do this by using something like filezilla

Now that you have you image online you need to make it clickable.

You need to decide the url you want to send people to when they click on the image.

 You do this by first copying the url to the clipboard.

Next you have to click on the image once.

After to have clicked in the image you need to click on the hyperlink symbol.

This look like

A box will then open up.

In the address bar that pops up when you click the hyperlink symbol you need to type in the full url of the page that you want to send the person to.

At the bottom of box you should see the image of the link that they are clicking on.

Next you need to click on the OK button at the bottom of the box.

You now have a clickable image.

When you publish the site to the internet you will find that you can now click on the image and it will send you to the url that you requested in the hyperlink box.

I hope you find this useful.

Kind regards

Stephen Hart

Learn how to make money from blogging.Just watch this video.


Monday 17 December 2012

Do Not Overload Your List With Information.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to warn you about information overload.

When people start online they can suffer for information overload.

So what exactly is this?

Lets start at the beginning which is generally regarded as the best place to start.

When you first try out the internet you will find there is an almost limitless amount of information.

There is no way you can read it all.

Much of this information is totally useless.

How do you decide what to read?

The best way is to use forums related to your niche.

See what people are asking in these forums.

They are searching for answers to problems they are having in that particular niche.

Having found out what they are searching for you can go to Google 

And search for answers using keywords.

This will throw up a whole series of articles.

You can read through the top articles and save any that you think answers the questions in you swipe folder which I talked about in previous blogs.

You then use the information in these articles to form a series of auto-responder messages which you send out to your list.

By sending your list targeted information that is of interest to them you are engaging your list and keeping them interested.

 Once every four or five e-mails you can try and make an offer to your list.

Not overloading your list with sales pitches will make them feel that your main priority is taking care of them and offering them solutions to their problems.

That is what a majority of people are looking for.  

Solutions to their problems.

Doing a bit of research on behalf of your list also gives you a better insight into the problems they are looking for.

Build a database of common questions and answers that you can simply copy and post into forums to improve your reputation.

I hope you found this information useful.

Feel free to submit any questions you might have and I will try and sort out your problem.

Kinds regards,

Stephen Hart

 Get Your Own Niche With Ebay

Sunday 16 December 2012

What Should You Say To Your Followers?

Hi Guys,

I see a lot of people sending out sales e-mails to their list because they have run out of things to say to them.

You know the feeling.

You have told them how to run a business.

You have told them how to market it.

You have told them how to find FREE gifts.

Then you get to a stage where you are lost for words and do not know what else to say to them

So where do you find new things to say to them?

Well the first thing you need to think about what your followers are interested in.

It is no good sending information about football if they are interested in cooking!

You can do a search on Google for keywords that are related you your niche.

Another great place to find information is EzineArticles

This is a site with loads of articles about every niche subject you can think of.

Just go to the site and search for your particular niche subject.

These articles are FREE to use.

You just copy the URL and post it into your e-mail.

Another great pace to find articles is YouTube.

Videos are a great way of keeping the subscribers interest.

You just type in the name of the subject your niche is about and you will find lots of great videos.
There are so many videos here that you will no doubt find something to keep your readers interested.
I hope this short blog has given you some information that you have found useful.
Until tomorrow
Have a prosperous day.
Stephen Hart 



Saturday 15 December 2012

Make Money With E-Bay.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a bit about how you can make money with E-bay.

It is one of the best places to earn some extra income.

There are certain things you need to know about selling on E-bay to be successful.

I enjoy helping people make money online which is why I have written this blog for those who are struggling to make money online.

Whether you're looking to clean out your closets and make a few bucks, turn a hobby of collecting into a profitable venture for extra income or establish a small business as a primary source of income, eBay offers an excellent way to make money by selling stuff.

Getting started on eBay is easy. 

Many eBay sellers have started small by selling a few items they weren't using, then discovered the fun and profitability of running a business online. 

Some have turned to eBay to fulfill a dream of owning a business or setting up a retail empire, while others are use eBay to expand an existing brick-and-mortar business online. 

The benefits of starting a business on eBay are many: There's no need to raise start-up capital, build up inventory or rent the right location.

Some eBay sellers offer items they've made, such as paintings, crafts, or even patented items or machinery, while others source unique items from overseas or from wholesalers. 

You can start small, with one or two clay pots or holiday ornaments, or on a larger scale with dozens of silk scarves or an inventory of hand tools.

There are some key points to selling on eBay:-

Firstly set up your account on E-bay.  It is free to do.

Next read the section called Selling on eBay.

Depending on which site you are on the words may vary, but you will find something about

 how to sell on E-bay.

If you do not have anything to sell, you can sign up as an affiliate.

This allows you to sell someone else's product and make a commission from it. 

Making money by selling someone else's product is a great way to make money if you do not have something of your own to sell.

There is such a diverse range of products that I am sure you will find something that you would like to sell.

Take a look at eBay and see if it something you would like to get involved in.

Here is the link to eBay again.


I will speak to again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart 

 Would you like to make money with your own niche store.