Friday 7 December 2012

Getting More Sales From Your List.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to talk a bit more about people in your list and how to get more sales.

A lot of people will dis-regard what I am about to say.

That is alright, I am simply trying to help you get more from your list.

Chances are, building your list has not been easy.

It takes a lot of time to build your list.

Now that you have got people on your list you can send them offers to make you money.
You set up your auto-responder e-mails and just hope that someone will buy something.   

This is not the way to treat your list.

You do not want to flood them with sales pitches with every e-mail you send to them.

If you do this then the people that you have spent so long trying to get on your list will just unsubscribe.

What you need to do is make people think that there is a benefit to being on your list.

You need to offer them something that is useful to them.

You can tell them how to get more traffic, or tell them about something that will be of use to them

Only send an offer where they can buy something from you once every four or five e-mails.

The other e-mails should be information about valuable content.

People on you list will not be waiting for a sales pitch but they will be waiting for valuable content.

Give your subscribers what they want.

The key is to make sure that you keep your list happy.

A happy list is more likely to buy something from you.

Be patient with your list and give them time to get to know you.

If you don't treat your list well, then they will not treat you well.

Do not be in too much of a hurry to make money.

It takes time and patience to be an internet marketer.

I hope you found this useful.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart.

FREE E-book about how to drive FREE traffic to your web site.



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