Thursday 20 December 2012

Organising Your Web Site

Hi Guys,

Today I want to say a little bit about organising your website. 

There is nothing worse when designing or publishing a web site than not being able to find the things you need.

To overcome this problem you need to organise where you store your information on your computer.

I do it in the following manner.

I have set up a folder called web projects.

In this folder I have more folders, one for every web site I have.

Within these folders I keep all the information relevant to that web site in there own folder..

I will have a folder with the actual web site so if I need to change anything on the web site I know where to find the actual web site to make changes.

I have a folder called images where I keep every image I have used on that web site.

I also have a text folder where I keep things such as web site url's, log in details.

Organising your information in this way means that you know exactly where to find the information about your web sites.

It is also a good way of backing up all this information.

You only have to make a backup of one folder which has all the information about your web sites once.

When you back up this folder it copies everything within it, which includes all the information in your sub-folders about your web sites.

I hope you have found this information useful.

If you have any questions then just leave a comment in the box at the end of this post.

Kind regards,

Stephen Hart

Get Your Own Niche With Ebay

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